OCCUPATION: Oroweat Bakery Beaverton, Oregon 1982 to present
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Fred Meyer 1978-'80; Danielsons True Value 1980-‘82
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduated Centennial High School 1980; George For University 1980-'81; Mt Hood Community College 1981-'83; Portland Community College 1995-'98; American Institute of Baking Diploma 20-week Resident Course, Baking Science and Technology; Senior Class Treasurer, Centennial High School 1979-'80; Freshman Class President, George Fox University 1980-'81; President, Class 163 American Institue of Baking 2003; Secretary, Centennial Little League 2002; President, Centennial Little League 2002-'06;
I am a graduate of Centennial High School as well as all six of my brothers and sisters. I am a parent of a graduate of Centennial and three more children attending schools in the Centennial District.
After I attended college I moved back into the district and have lived here for the past twenty years. In that time I have been active in the community in a number of positions. I have been a volunteer at Pleasant Valley School and have seen first hand what a committed community can do in the schools. I have been an active volunteer for the last eight years for Centennial Little League, first as a Team Parent then as Secretary of the league for one year and finally as President of the league for four years. I continue to be involved in Cenntennial Little League in an At Large Board Member.
I want to continue my involvement in the district, but on a different level. I see my experience as a volunteer for community organizations as a great tool to bring to the position that I am running for on the School board. I hope to be more involved and informed of the education opportunities at a district level as well as state wide.
(This information furnished by Brenda Clark)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

OCCUPATION: writer, businessman
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: owner- Biotech Systems- distributor of clinical laboratory products and instrumentation – over a decade in the western region. Sales, marketing manager, representative, consultant- reference clinical laboratories, products. Analytical chemist: QC and QA manager- pharmaceuticals.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: PSU chemistry major; Cleveland HS class of ‘73
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Centennial HS site council- last 2 years.
Community Service: 2500 hours community coaching.
• 5 years President, started and ran USATF sanctioned Centennial Track Club. I initiated and with the help of other parents put on 2 State Middle School Invitational Track meets.
• 1 year full time parent volunteer coach 6th grade track program.
• 4 years full time volunteer coach Centennial Middle School wrestling program.
• 5 years assistant Centennial Mat Club coach.
• 4 years Centennial Mat Club representative to kids Mat Club wrestling association(NJCWA).
I support the idea of true partnership of parents, teachers, students; their respective rights and responsibilities. While community coaching I always worked for safe environment and believe this essential for education.
I bring a very different, aggressive perspective fixit type approach by systemic analysis and entrepreneurialism; having a high-tech business background, but I am also an outdoorsman, an avid reader and believe in the “old school” approach to education- the Jeffersonian tradition- we educate the whole person. I support reading aloud at the primary levels and more PE.
Before we move on to a new bond measure we must guarantee the integrity of the “operating system” and make sure the our money was properly spent from the last bond measure. This greatly concerns me. I come from a technical background where things are fixed by a “systems approach” – not by a “squeaky wheel” approach” - when some parent complains. We need to insure a greater integrity in the process of building new schools and programs.
My wife and I, having lived in the Centennial district for over 23 years, had 3 children in the Centennial System- one at Pacific, one at PSU, one to graduate this year.
(This information furnished by Gregory M. Shay)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.