OCCUPATION: #1. Mother of Three; #2. Small Business Owner Deborah's CleanStreak: Residential/Commercial Cleaning Services Serving Portland Area for 8 Years
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: International Specialized Book Services Data entry/Customer Service; ServiceMaster, Inc. Front Office
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduate of Grant High School, Portland; Associates program, Portland Community College
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Citizens Advisory Committee, David Douglas District, 2 terms,. 2004-2006; David Douglas Budget Committee 2004-present; Vision 20/20 Committee, 2005-present
I am the mother of three children, two of whom attend David Douglas Schools. I am a member of the PTA, and head up a clothing closet at Cherry Park Elementary school for families in need of assistance (I would love to see this happen throughout the district!). I have had a student in the district for the past 7 years. As a parent of students in the district, I have made it a point to try to be of use to the staff and students by volunteering at school functions and making myself available to teachers for classroom help.
My experience with the district has been positive from the very beginning. I have immense respect for all the work that goes into educating our children, including the fiscal requirements needed to do so. David Douglas has proven to be fiscally responsible and maintains many programs other districts lack. I would like to be elected to the Board so that I can join in the good work going on and contribute to maintaining programs and services for the families of our growing district.
(This information furnished by Committee for Electing Deborah Baker )
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

OCCUPATION: Operations Manager at Price Industrial Service Co Inc. Sales Service. 1979 to Present.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: David Douglas youth sports coach/Referee 10 years; Alice Ott Middle School sports score keeper 6 years; David Douglas community Sports Assistant Baseball Coordinator 2002-Present.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduated David Douglas High School 1979; MT. Hood Community College attended classes in business administration 1980; AED/CPR First aid certification.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Citizens Advisory Committee 2000 to Present; David Douglas Budget Committee 2000 to Present; David Douglas Dads Club President 1 year; Booster Club President 2 years Lincoln Park Elementry and 2 years Alice Ott Middle School.
Who is Mike Price?
Mike has been a resident of the David Douglas School District for 40 years. He attended and graduated from David Douglas High School. Mike and Lori have been married for 24 years. They have three children who have attended schools in the district since kindergarten. Two sons that graduated from David Douglas High School and a daughter who will graduate in 2008.
Where Mike Stands:
- Mike believes that Oregon schools are challenged to prepare students for the future but that smaller budgets should not be used as an excuse for eroding educational quality.
- Mike believes all children are entitled to a quality education. Children are our future leaders and they must be given the best opportunity to be successful and self-reliant citizens.
- Mike believes students need to have a challenging academic curriculum and should be expected to meet high academic standards.
- Mike supports the increased use of technology to help achieve these attainable goals.
- Mike supports the continued use of school facilities for community activities such as music, athletics, after school programs and Portland Parks Recreation activities etc.
- Support Mike Price for position #5. He is experienced. Mike is concerned and dedicated to the children and residents of the David Douglas School District. Mike can make a positive difference in our schools and community.
(This information furnished by Committee to Elect Mike Price)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.