OCCUPATION: Consultant-Child and Family Services; Director, Multnomah Education Service District
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Director, Clinical Director and School Mental Health Consultant: Behavioral Health Division, Multnomah County; Involuntary Commitment Investigator; Psychiatric Technician; Teacher; Salesclerk
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lewis & Clark College: Master of Education-Counseling; California State University-Long Beach: Teaching Credential, BA-History
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Director, MESD, 2003-present; Advisory Director for Social Services, MESD; Chair, Early Childhood Council, Multnomah County Commission on Children, Families and Community; Co-Chair, Early Childhood Mental Health Partnership; Partners for Children & Families, State Commission on Children and Families; Member-Multnomah County Child Fatality Review Team
Janice Gratton
• Accountable—to make tough decisions and measure good work
• Responsible—to provide quality education for all of Multnomah County's Children
• Experienced--to move through tough times with resilience
Janice lives in mid-county with her husband of 40 years. She has on the Multnomah ESD Board since 1995, serving as Chair twice and as Vice Chair. Janice has 37 years of experience in public service, most of that time spent serving children and families in Multnomah County. She has been a teacher, a parent and a community volunteer (Scouts, Goose Hollow Family Shelter, Early Childhood Mental Health Partnership, Early Childhood Council, Board of Directors-Samaritan Counseling Center). She developed and delivered many services to Multnomah County's children including the School Mental Health Program, Early Childhood Mental Health, the Partner's Project, School-Based Health Center Mental Health Services, CARES, NW Family Support Program, and the Children's Receiving Center. She currently serves the Native American Rehabilitation Center and the Children's Relief Nursery.
“The best of this year's crop is Janice Gratton ”
Willamette Week Editorial, May 6, 2003
Endorsed by Harry Ainsworth, MESD Vice Chair; Jean Haliski, MESD Board Member & Kevin Spellman, MESD Director
Janice Gratton pledges to work for stable school funding!
Janice Gratton pledges to work for stable,
committed leadership!
Vote for
Janice Gratton
Multnomah ESD Board of Directors, Position 6, At Large
(This information furnished by Janice Gratton)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

OCCUPATION: Chief Financial Officer, Sunstone Circuits
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Chief Financial Officer, Rivergate Farms; Chief Financial Officer, TransLogic Technology, Inc.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University, Bachelors of Science: Accounting and Information Systems & Quantitative Analysis, 1991
About 2,500 known varieties of apples are grown in the United States. More than 7,500 are grown worldwide. So the old saying of getting an “apples to apples” comparison has new meaning in our modern society. Variation in human learning is as vast as varieties of apples grown worldwide. Each learning style is unique, rich in substance, and just as valid as any other. The MESD plays a key role in the education of our most precious resources, our children. Just because a child has a disability, they deserve to have an worthwhile education experience that is respectful and allows them to reach their maximum potential.
Why Elect Robert R. Weaver?
Education IS Special, and every child deserves the right to learn to their potential and yet I realize funds are limited and we don't have enough resources to customize an education plan for each and every student. The administrators we elect, hire and entrust our children's education attempt to reach a delicate balance between limited funds and levels of service. The members of the MESD board are charged with tremendous responsibility and we need its members to be well rounded, and they cannot forget the children who are challenged with disabilities. Over the course of my career in private business as Chief Financial Officer for various businesses, I've managed to accomplish the mission of the organizations I've served, all the while, working within the limits of financial resources. I believe in working in teams rather than taking it on alone, and I ask for your support to put me on the MESD Board of Directors so we can use our limited resources and accomplish the awesome task of making education a special experience for all of our children.
(This information furnished by Robert R. Weaver)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.