OCCUPATION: Consultant, The Northwest Academy (Development); President, PTSA, Winterhaven School; Parent of two PPS students
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Non-Profit Executive (6 years); Mental Health/Crisis Triage – Management & Training (6 years); Special Education Advocate (6 years); Parent Educator (5 years); School Volunteer Leader (5 years)
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Boston College, MSW in Administration; Wesleyan University, BA
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Maine – Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for Preschool Handicapped Children; Bureau of Children with Special Needs; County Committee on Transition
Michele will bring to the Portland School Board:
- an authentic voice for parents & their children
- 20 years experience in social work
- excellent communication skills
- commitment to “bottom-up” instead of “top-down” decision-making
I would be honored to serve the 46,350 students in PPS by volunteering my time for the School Board. ~ Michele Schultz
Advocate of the Year ~ Maine Assn. of Directors of Services for Children with Exceptionalities
“With her long history of community service, she is a natural fit for PDX School Board. She brings the leadership skills, experience and dedication essential to the success of our kids, our schools and the Board.”
Melissa Rowe-Soll, PPS Parent)
“Michele brings a calm perspective and steadying influence to any group. I have long been impressed with her political and organizational prowess.”
Leslie Jones, Realtor; Managing Broker,
Former Winterhaven Site Council Chair
“Michele has a style that is effective, efficient and collaborative. Her skills and personality proves she is a natural leader!”
Diane Lia, Former Colleague
“In order to create the most effective change in an organization, everyone in the organization needs to understand where there is dissatisfaction, what the future vision is and what the next steps will be. Michele's understanding of the importance of community involvement when making decisions about public education would be of great benefit to the Portland School Board.”
Mark Hamilton, Consultant
(This information furnished by Michele Schultz)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

OCCUPATION: Vice President, Community Relations, US Bank; Father of Kendall (12), Sophie (9).
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Banking/Finance (20 years); Human Resources (6 years); Community Service (4 years).
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Hawaii, Masters in Social Work; Nottingham University, Bachelor of Arts.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Portland Public Schools, School Board (4 years)
As a father of two, I believe strongly in our public schools. My commitment to equity and opportunity comes from the heart. I'm the first member of my family to graduate from college. My parents, teachers and schools gave me the chance to build a better life for myself and my family. We've made lots of progress in the past four years, but there is more to do to ensure all our children have that chance.
I ask for your continued support.
--David Wynde
“David cares about our children, especially children of color and children whose families are struggling. He knows these are the kids who have the most to gain from a district, a school board, and a community focused on ensuring that every child has an equal chance to learn.”
Martin Gonzalez , community leader.
“David's leadership was important in our work to improve the relationship between the teachers' union and the district. We've reached agreement on two contracts in the past four years. Both times negotiations were respectful and professional. Much of the credit for this critical change in tone goes to David. He's firm but fair.”
Retired Portland teacher Steven Palumbo .
“David's provided leadership to navigate PPS to a position of relative financial stability. He's made the tough decisions to control costs and balance the budget, while still investing in the quality of our children's education.”
Samuel Brooks , business and community leader.
Portland Association of Teachers TVIP recommendation; Stand for Children; For Our Children's Future ; State Treasurer Randall Edwards ; State Senators Kate Brown and Avel Louise Gordly; County Commissioner Jeff Cogen; Kris Anderson, Scott Bailey, Sho Dozono, Lolenzo Poe, Sheila Warren , and many more
(This information furnished by David Wynde for School Board Committee )
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.