Occupation: Metro Councilor
Occupational Background: Small Businessman, State Senator, State Representative, High School and College Teacher
Educational Background: Franklin High 1960; Portland State University - Bachelor's Degree 1965, Master's Degree 1969; Warner Pacific College - Master's Degree 1995
Prior Governmental Experience: Elected Metro Council Presiding Officer - 1999, Elected Metro Councilor - 1992, 1994, 1998; Elected David Douglas School Board - 1991, 1992, 1997; Elected State Senator - 1980, 1984; Elected State Representative - 1976, 1978. Elected Precinct Committeeperson 1974 to 1998; Chair Metro Budget and Finance Committee, Chair Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation, Chair Bi-State Transportation Committee
What they say about Councilor
Rod Monroe:
"Metro's good choice"
"... Councilor Monroe knows region's issues"
The Oregonian, July 6, 1998
"... We think that Monroe's views on growth management are sound, responsible and thoroughly Oregonian..... During a series of key votes on urban reserve areas...he consistently voted to protect farm land and forest... It's that kind of commitment to simple, practical ideas that has distinguished Monroe's political career."
Willamette Week, October 21, 1998
"...Monroe has by far the greater citizens connections, experience and understanding of Metro's budget and regional growth issues...Monroe, currently also a member of the David Douglas School Board, has shown himself to be competent and diligent in public service."
The Oregonian, September 28, 1998
"Rod has demonstrated leadership in finding solutions to tough budgetary matters for Metro. He is committed to community livability, a tight urban growth boundary, and transportation options for people."
Mike Burton - Metro Executive
Rod Monroe - "a lifetime dedicated to public service"
Reelect Rod Monroe - Metro Councilor
"Working for Our Future - Now!"
If you have any questions please call Rod at 760-4310
(This information furnished by Friends of Rod Monroe)