OCCUPATION: Credit Manager


EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University, Business Administration

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Centennial School Board, 2001-2005; OSBA, Trustee, Property and Casualty Trust, through 2008

We have challenges ahead of us that the educational community has never faced before. With these new challenges the following key areas need to be addressed:

Accountability in student learning -

As No Child Left Behind becomes implemented we have to be more creative in reaching and motivating children to learn. We must continually review data on learning and make adjustments necessary to assure student achievement is on track to meet the educational goals before us.

Wise use of resources -

Centennial has done a good job in utilizing resources. Unfortunately those resources are becoming scarce. We need to look at options for bringing other resources into the schools via grants and other sources. We need to become more creative to get the best value we can for the dollars we have available to us.

Community Connections -

Student learning would be incomplete without community involvement. As standards rise there needs to be more interaction between the community and the schools to achieve these higher standards. We need to be creative and open to new ideas to involve the community to achieve the educational goals before us if we are to attain those higher standards.

Leadership -

As we face higher accountability with fewer resources We need to also review the way we lead Centennial School district. Leadership at the School Board level is changing as all parts of education are changing. School Board members need to look for new ideas and ways of leading if we are to keep up with the changing face of education. This means becoming students ourselves. I have applied myself to learn and network with other school board members across the state about the challenges ahead.

I ask for your support and vote.
Thank you.

(This information furnished by Roger Ernstrom)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023