OCCUPATION: Director, David Douglas School District, 1990 to present; Sr. Claims Representative, ACE USA/ESIS, 2001 to present

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Insurance claims case management, various employers, 1972 to present; Department Manager, retail sales, 1969 to 1972

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: San Francisco State University, 1967-1974, Bachelor of Science, industrial relations and microbiology, 12/1969; graduate study, 1970-1974, personnel & industrial relations; Alan Hancock College (Santa Maria, CA), 1965-1967, college transfer; Lompoc High School (Lompoc, CA), diploma June 1965

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Director, David Douglas School District, 1990 to present

The last fifteen years have seen dramatic changes in education for all of the school districts in Oregon. The State required sweeping changes in programs, the standards which measure success or failure, and the content of the teaching. The voters have determined that educational funding should be changed from dependence on local property taxes to statewide and local income taxes.

Throughout this period the David Douglas School district has become a leader in educational reform and a model for how to accomplish it in ways that are successful for its students. Douglas’ graduation standards have been raised to some of the highest in Oregon, without an increase in drop-outs. More than 80% of Douglas graduates now go on to higher education or training beyond their high school diploma, a dramatic increase from the 50-60% seen just a few years ago.

The District has proven to be careful with the taxpayers’ money and assets. Cautious spending has enabled the District to maintain all of its educational programs and extra-curricular activities; including athletics, music, and the arts. District buildings and facilities have been built, upgraded, and maintained to assure student safety and create an effective place to learn.

Much of this is due to the effective leadership of the School Board and its experienced Directors. I urge you to continue the experience level on the Board by voting for Bruce Burton in this election.

(This information furnished by Bruce L. Burton)


OCCUPATION: Computer Consultant, self-employed

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Paid: computer consultant, customer service rep., tech support rep., landscaper, laborer, IT/data manager, canvasser chess coach, restaurant manager, bartender; Volunteered unpaid for various political campaigns and chess coach

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Woodrow Wilson H.S., Portland Oregon 1985-1988; Elisnore Union H.S., Elisnore, CA 1988-1989 Graduated 1989

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Elected: Multnomah County Democratic Party, May 2004 Precinct Comitteeman for Precinct #4345

House District 47, co-leader for Multnomah County Democratic party

(This information furnished by Aaron Minoo)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023