OCCUPATION: Retired; Legislative Assistant, Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 2000-2002 - Manager, Research Stores, Oregon Health Sciences University; 1997-2000 - Warehouse Manager, McKesson General Medical; 1993-1997 - Branch Manager, Scholastic Book Fairs; 1992-1993 - External Communications, Tacoma Public Schools; 1979-1992 - Communications Specialist, Portland Public Schools; 1976-1979 - Communications Specialist, Grants Pass Public Schools
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Benson Polytechnic High School, 1965; Portland Community College, 1971-1972; Lane Community College, 1972-1973; University of Oregon, 1976 Graduate
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: 2004-2005 - Appointed, Director, Position 3, Zone 2, Gresham-Barlow School District; 1999-2004 - Appointed, Budget Committee, Gresham-Barlow School District; 1991-1992 - Appointed, Budget Committee, Gresham-Barlow School District
Last July, I was appointed to the school board to represent all Gresham-Barlow parents and citizens, but especially Southwest Gresham's Zone 2.
Dee and I have lived near the junction of Southwest Towle & Binford Lake the past 16 years and sent Paul and Liz to West Gresham, McCarty Middle and Gresham High schools.
Over the years, I served on several school committees and numerous districtwide committees including appointment to the Budget Committee twice. I also volunteered to help pass bond measures that remodeled or repaired all our schools and built four new schools and the Center for Advanced Learning.
I want to represent your interests for the critical decisions coming in the next four years. Several current buildings are aging and most are stressed by growing enrollment. We need to prepare for dramatic growth in the new City of Damascus, an area with two schools now that in 20 years (or so) may need 15 more! And, there is the continuing dilemma about funding our schools and where to allocate the limited funds the state allows.
Most importantly, I want to assure our children receive an education that exceeds our community's high expectations. Our 12,000 students need the teachers, materials and facilities for a quality education.
Thank you for your vote.
(This information furnished by Bob Sherwin)