OCCUPATION: Owner, Running Outfitter's/Un-Niketown; Publisher, Portland Remembered Calendars

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lecturer, University of Wisconsin

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: PSU, B.S., Graduate Study; MIT, Marquette


Here are some of Jim's thoughts on education in no particular order.

A Major Problem in education today is that far too often districts are run by arrogant people with mediocre minds looking for their main chance while avoiding the heavy work of classroom teaching at all costs.

Closing Small excellent schools confuses students, frustrates parents, denigrates teachers, and harms the entire district. There is no legitimate educational reason for such closures.

Political Correctness is just another way to limit the free exchange of ideas. PC has found a home in our schools.

Schools Today all but guarantee that most students will never achieve their full academic potential because of skin color, family income, and/or where they live. This is wrong. This is un-American. This stinks.

There Is no substitute for success. Student success requires great teachers, involved parents, and an administration that advocates for excellence.

College Prep is the cheapest curriculum a district can provide and it benefits the smallest number of students. Today only about 25% of high school graduates are ready for work or college. The rest have been tracked into classes long on self-esteem but little else.

Discipline Must return to the school house in order to have a learning environment.

We Must demand that our schools give our kids a tough and challenging curriculum that prepares them for life; that courses make sense to kids and makes them intellectually vigorous; that every adult in their schools expects kids to achieve and succeed.

The candidate who accepts only small contributions and seeks no endorsements from single issue interests is free to put education first. Jim Davis is that candidate in this race, Return Jim to the MESD board.

Co-endorsed by Multnomah County Democratic Central Committee

(This information furnished by Friends of Jim Davis)


OCCUPATION: CEO, global advocacy organization working for better Education, Health, Justice, Veterans issues. Legislative author/lobbiest; Exec. Producer cable TV, network radio. Citizen Ambassador (US President's Program), International speaker.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: CEO, A.C.T. Exec. Producer LifeLine Media. Author/lobbiest Education Legislation. Governor's School mentor; Counselor, mental health; Education R/D, State Budget statistic research. Criminal Investigator (Fraud, sex crimes). Insurance, Finance, mortgage company owner.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Cleveland High graduate. Portland Ins. School. Profession related extended courses, Ins. Finance, Law. American Institute of Hypnotherapy; American Pacific University; mental health certifications, Del Amo Hospital. Doctorate Candidate.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Mult County PCP. District Leader (3 times); Chair: Rules, Legislative, Media. Chair: Trade, Education work groups. Delegate, Alternate, 3CD, Executive Board, State Legislative Committee. Senatorial campaign chair. Author/lobbiest Ore Suicide Prevention Legislation: result: new high school health books nationwide on self esteem/worth. Co-author Ore Corrections bill; results, GED, Voc D/A certification; Truth In Education included in Nat'l Ed Bill HR5 (multi Cultural Ed).

OREGON NEEDS A LIFELINE TO SAVE OREGON EDUCATION/ What benefits "the people" most is the first cut from the budget, and agenda. WHY? Sonja values the involvement of "the people".

"Sonja stands unequaled in her commitment, and results to education, and the children, from the trenches, to the capital". Maywood Park Councilman Art Winslow

"Sonya's dedication to our children, and education was seen daily at the capital with the children at her side". Dick Springer, former Ore. Senator

Supported by:
Brendan Walsh - Mental Health Specialist
Daniel Swift, Pres. Ore State Police Officers Assoc. Irco - Multi Cultural Services
Aaron T. Olson - Ret. Capt. OSP; college instructor.
Matt Dardis, USMC
Jenny DeLaunay, Program Dir. OPB
Mult Cty Democratic Central Comm. Co-Endorse
Nick Fish, Att. at Law
"Kids Need Both Parents Center"
Cynthia Steinhauser, Ph.D Sonja Harju - author "Living Education".

(This information furnished by Lifeline for Oregon Education)




OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Adult Parole & Probation Officer, Parole Hearings Officer, Former President, Federation of Oregon Parole & Probation Officers, Former President, AFSCME Local 1442.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of West Los Angeles, School of Law, LLB-1971.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Multnomah Education Service District Board Member since 1996; Grant High School Site Council, 1994-1998; Chair, Grant Cluster Advisory Committee; Board Member, Sullivan's Gulch Neighborhood Association, 1997-present; Member Multnomah County Citizens Involvement Committee, December 1999-present.

  • SY KORNBRODT is married to Mary Lou. Their sons, Joe and Chuck, went to Grant High School. SY KORNBRODT is a WWII Navy Veteran.
  • SY KORNBRODT will fight to make sure, in these times of less funding, that mentally or physically disabled kids served by MESD keep getting top service and that School Nurses are available to all kids.
  • SY KORNBRODT'S long experience in the Criminal Justice System, including 20 years in Oregon, has given him the tools to assess programs for turning around kids in trouble with the law so they don't end up in the Adult System, at a high cost to YOU!
  • You know SY KORNBRODT can do the job because he is supported and endorsed by:

Sen. Kate Brown

Dan Gardner, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor & Industries

Janice Gratton, Vice Chair, MESD Board of Directors

Bernie Giusto, Multnomah County Sheriff Commissioner Randy Leonard, Portland City Council

Representative Jeff Merkley

Mayor Tom Potter

Lonnie Roberts

Eric Sten

David Wu

Geri Washington, Board Chair MESD

  • SY KORNBRODT is supported and endorsed by these Organizations: Portland Association of Teachers/Teacher's Voice in Politics, Multnomah County Democratic Central Committee, East Side Democratic Club, Northwest Oregon Labor Council, Oregon AFSCME Council 75
  • SY KORNBRODT wants to hear from you! Call him at 503-287-8463

(This information furnished by Sy Kornbrodt)


Last reviewed January 12, 2023