OCCUPATION: Vice President of Administration for Morrison Child and Family Services
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Executive Director, Arras Inc.; School-To-Career Liaison for Multnomah County; Director of Human Resources, Wacker Siltronic Corp; Division Manager, Tektronix, Inc.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University, B.S. (General Studies with emphasis on Secondary Education)
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Member of Portland Community College Budget Committee; Past chair and current Member of Portland Community College Foundation Board; Member of Governor's School Transformation Advisory Council; Member of Mayor's Business Round Table (Portland); Member of Regional Strategies Board for Multnomah and Washington Counties; Member of Workforce Investment Act Youth Council
Jim Harper has spent over forty years with Portland Community College. He's been a student, a volunteer and a corporate user of the many quality services PCC provides. Jim has sat on the Portland Community College Foundation Board for the last 18 years, including serving as the Board Chair from 1990 to 1992. Jim's participation with PCC is based on his strong belief the College is a vital educational resource for the entire region.
Portland Community College has much to offer our community. It provides a place where students can earn an associate degree and get started on their pursuit of a four year education. PCC caters to individuals who are interested in professional technical education, helping them both to learn different skills and improve on their existing ones. The College can be a lifeline for displaced workers starting on new careers and a second chance for adults to gain basic literacy skills. PCC is also a wonderful asset for those who view learning as a never-ending journey.
Jim has worked tirelessly as a fund raiser and advisor for PCC and promises to continue serving the best interests of the College, its dedicated faculty, administrators, and the students who rely on it for a quality education.
Jim is endorsed by Vera Katz, Commissioner Sam Adams and Dana Anderson (PCC Board Member).
(This information furnished by Jim D. Harper)
OCCUPATION: Consultant and Real Estate Broker
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Federal agency training officer; personnel specialist, and auditor; community college instructor; television program co-producer and host; and retail credit collection manager
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Doctor of Education (Ed.D) with an emphasis on community college leadership, Oregon State University; Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Portland; and Bachelor of Public Administration (BA), California State University Fresno
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Portland Community College Vocational-Technical Education Advisory Committee; Board of Trustees for the Washington Center for Real Estate Research; State of Oregon Department of Education Electrical and Electronics Education Curriculum Advisory Committee; State of Oregon Department of Economic Development Task Force on Trade with Africa; State of Oregon Fair Plan Commission for Fire and Casualty Insurance; State of Oregon ad hoc Committee on Public Broadcasting; City of Portland Energy Commission, City of Portland Mayor's Citizen Budget Review Committee; Sabin Elementary School Budget Advisory Committee
I spent four years in graduate school studying the operation of community colleges and their role in contemporary American society. My dissertation examined the significance of diversity in the governance of community colleges in a demographically changing society. With your support, I would like to bring the best governance practices to Portland Community College.
I am committed to working for an adequate, stable financial base for Portland Community College and to looking for new ways PCC and other educational institutions in the area can more effectively work together to meet the educational needs of people in our region. I believe that innovations in communications and computer technology make it possible for cooperating educational institutions to provide convenient learning opportunities for everyone. Therefore, I will do whatever I can to make sure that PCC continues to improve its services and program offerings in the most efficient way.
(This information furnished by George Hendrix)

OCCUPATION: Postal mailhandler
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Magazine editor; frequent guest commentator for Oregon publications
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: B.A., University of Colorado
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: U.S. Interior Department: Ghostwriter for Interior Secretary and other officials; U.S. Navy: Veteran, Persian Gulf War
PCC must work to wring every ounce of productivity from taxpayers' dollars. I will:
- Work to retain an independent cost-control firm, or to create an independent volunteer commission, to scrutinize PCC departments and programs for needless, wasteful or inefficient spending.
- Oppose increases in property or income taxes to expand PCC programs.
PCC should serve Americans first. I will work to:
- Require admission and hiring of citizens over non-citizens.
- End efforts to recruit, enroll and employ students from abroad.
- Oppose in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.
- Reject official "multilingualism," and instead enact PCC policies and programs that reinforce English as America's common language.
"Affirmative action" fosters division and resentment by discriminating in favor of some people because of their race, and against others because of theirs. I will work to:
- End PCC "affirmative action" and "diversity" efforts that exceed those mandated by federal or state governments, and
- To the extent possible, admit students, hire and promote staffers, and retain contractors via individual merit.
Too many colleges abjure Western culture for the "multiculturalism" that fosters victim psychology, fixation on ethnic over national identity, and resentment of Western achievements. I will work to:
- Require one course in Western civilization, and one survey course of U.S. history, to qualify for any PCC associate's degree.
- Institute an annual "Western Heritage Month" to educate students on the Greco-Roman cultural and political precepts, Anglo-European history, and tolerant Christianity that - more than the influences of any other culture - birthed America's constitutional government, wealthy market economy, and tradition of free intellectual inquiry.
I will:
- Work to provide 24 free credit hours to combat veterans.
- Explore bringing ROTC to PCC.
(This information furnished by Richard F. LaMountain)