OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Teacher 38 years; 1990-2000 Portland Public Schools; 2000-2005 Evergreen District, Vancouver
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Oregon B.S., Mathematics 1967; Western Oregon, Masters United States History, K-8 endorsement; PSU, School Administrative Degree
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Portland School Board (1979-1983) Co-authored School Desegregation Plan, initiated PPS Drug and Alcohol Program and playground safety plan
Personal: Steve and Mary Alison have five grown children
Each school is important and all neighborhoods deserve good schools where parents can feel comfortable sending their children.
We need stronger programs in Portland middle schools in low-income neighborhoods. Athletics, music, art, strong libraries, physical education, adequate counseling, and electives should be staples. This will help the dropout rate and create a base upon which to build achievement.
Testing is out of control. The question is not how a school tests on average but can each student read and write adequately. We need to zero in on those students who can’t and broaden the education of those who do.
The school board needs to be more deliberative with more decisions made in public. Good government is transparent government.
Starting with a clean slate we should rebuild each school program making sure the money goes directly into the classroom. Then add administration. This would make sure the citizens of Portland are getting the best education for their taxes.
Student discipline problems plague many schools. We need creative and aggressive approaches to lessen classroom disruptions, the main hindrance to learning for many children. This should include better support for teachers.
School closures should be fair. They should include neighborhood impact and early citizen input.
The School Board learning curve is extensive. With Steve’s background (10 years teaching in PPS) and experience (attended school board meetings since 1975) he will be ready to go the first meeting, not two years later.
Website: www.stevebuel.com
(This information furnished by Buel for School Board)

OCCUPATION: Security agent for Metropolitan Exposition – Recreation Commission (MERC).
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Parole/Probation Officer; Unit Secretary, Coronary Care Unit.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State Un., B.S. in Psy/Soc; Portland Community College, Associate of Arts; Rosary High; St. Lukes Elemetary.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: 1985 – State Capitol – Served in a combination of Roles; 1980 – Started in Politics working closely with Elect Gladys McCoy Campaign; Active in Community programs.
I was born in Det. Mich; after graduating from Rosary High School, I left Michigan to further my education which eventually brought me to Portland State Un. where I obtained my B.S. degree.
I have been residing in Portland for over 25 years. I had worked 17 1/2 years for the Department of Corrections, and in-addition I am currently working as a part-time security agent for MERC Commission (1993 to present).
During my years here in Portland I have been involved in Social Community programs:
• Afro-American program (team approach) – Targeted for specific minority who exhibited criminal histories and had serious criminalgenic needs.
• Facilitated a women-problem solving work group.
• Coordinator of the Parole/Transition program – Provide re-entering assistance for inmates to transition from prison to community.
• Advisor/Councilor for Liaison Counselor – As the Advisor, I led support that parallels success as it was defined.
• Incarcerated women w/ children committee – I was selected to participate in the development of visitation of children into the prison facility at Coffee Creek.
• Helped author a booklet entitled “How to explain..jails and prison to children, A Caregiver’s Guide.
• Develop Advantage Point Program – A program for young women from the age of 18-30.
• Board member of Youth Unlimited – A program designed for At-Risk youth bet. The age of 13-22.
(This information furnished by Juanita V. Johnson)

OCCUPATION: Supervisor; Kraft Foods/Nabisco Portland Bakery; Portland, Oregon; 1992-Present
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Supervisor; Reynolds Aluminum Company; Troutdale, Oregon; 1987-91
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Sunset High School; Beaverton, Oregon; 1972-75; Graduated; Boise St University; Boise, Idaho; 1975-76; Mt Hood Community College; Gresham, Oregon, 1976-77; Portland St University; Portland, Oregon; 1978-79; University of Oregon; Eugene, Oregon; 1979-83; Graduated, BS Chemistry; 1982 President, Student Affiliates Of the American Chemical Society
My name is Steve Kayfes and I’m running for our school board. Why? Because it’s time to give back and participate in the community. Like you, I want Portland to be a livable city. In order to accomplish that we need to have a sound and productive education system. I bring to the table over 20 years of supervising, training and educating experience guiding people to work efficiently and safely to produce a final product. Our school system works much the same way: the final product being a sound education with which to thrive in life. I have been asked what I would consider a successful school: it is one that if a child shows improved learning skills from the time they enter the school until the time they leave, success has been accomplished. The student feels a sense of achievement; the teacher feels pride in a job well done; and the parents have a child they are proud of. How can we move ahead with the success of our schools? We as a community must find ways for our teachers to continue to perform in their jobs effectively. We must find ways to enhance the environment for our children to learn. With the Multnomah County tax and school levy expiring, we are all faced with some difficult choices in the near future. The Oregon Lottery would be one place to start. Working together, we can make this happen. Thank you.
(This information furnished by Steve Kayfes)

OCCUPATION: Student, Portland State University
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Audacity Clothing Co., Marketing and Public Relations (Company Partner); Money in Politics Action Research Project Voter Owned Election Outreach; Oregon Bus Project Hip-Hop Voter Project; James Posey for Mayor Youth Coordinator
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University, Freshman; Benjamin Franklin High School; Whitaker Middle School; Faubion Elementary School
Dear Community Members,
This school board election is among the most important we will participate in. We are faced with a host of issues, ranging from closing the achievement gap to obtaining adequate funding for our schools, to achieving transparency in Board decision-making. These will not be addressed by the Board alone. We need to remember our strength as a community. We need to express our commitment through action.
We need leadership that effectively brings together students, families, teachers, administrators, and community members around common goals for our young people’s education.
We want our graduates to be ready for the world that awaits them, and prepared for the roles they choose in life. I am a recent product of this school district and have chosen to offer myself as an example, a point of unity, and living proof that understanding the system and engaging the system works to the benefit of all of us.
Please join me in unifying the community and in the effort to see all children succeed! Elect me to be YOUR representative on the Portland School Board.
Endorsed By:
Karin Hensen, Portland Public Schools former Teacher
James Posey
J.W. Matt Hennessee, PDC Chair
Randy Leonard, City Commissioner
Vanessa Gaston, Education and Children’s Advocate
Lolenzo T. Poe, Jr., Portland Public Schools Board Member
Dan Saltzman, City Commissioner
(This information furnished by Charles McGee for School Board)

OCCUPATION: Director of Development, Portland State University
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Development, Management for Community Organizations
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Roosevelt High School; University of Oregon, Bachelor of Arts
Portland Public Schools Experience: Volunteer Mentor; Guest Teacher; Small Schools Advisory Committee Member.
Dan Ryan: Stronger Schools for a Stronger City
Dan grew up and lives in North Portland. A taxpayer with no children of his own, Dan knows that our city is only as strong as our public schools. Dan will:
- Strengthen neighborhood schools and effective educational programs;
- Equip teachers to prepare all students for college and family-wage jobs;
- Push for district-wide all-day kindergarten to give every child a solid foundation.
“Dan Ryan is prepared, intelligent, and committed – the kind of dedicated citizen we need to lead our schools.”
--Governor Barbara Roberts, school board member for 14 years
“Through eight years of volunteering in Portland classrooms, Dan understands what teachers need to improve student achievement. I trust he’ll make decisions about our schools the right way.”
--Steve Brand, Chapman Elementary School Teacher
Endorsed by teachers and parent leaders including Elena Garcia-Velasco, Curtis Wilson Jr, Emily Toll; Barbara Willer, Beverly Perttu, Ruth Rocker, Scott Bailey; School Board Member Julia Brim-Edwards; Portland Stand for Children.
Dan Ryan: Fiscal Common Sense
To ensure every dollar is focused on student achievement, Dan will:
- Provide accountability to the public that our tax dollars are spent supporting teaching and learning;
- Bring new resources into the classroom through stronger business and community partnerships;
- Seek greater certainty in school funding.
“As a businessman and former teacher, I know that the relationship between taxpayers and schools is based on trust and accountability. Dan Ryan will bring fiscal common sense to our schools.”
--Sho Dozono, CEO Azumano Travel, Portland Schools Foundation, President Emeritus
Endorsed by business leaders Tom Kelly, Gale Castillo, Joe D’Alessandro, Greg Goodman; and For Our Children’s Future, Mayor Bud Clark, Oregon State Treasurer Randall Edwards, City Commissioners Erik Sten and Sam Adams.
(This information furnished by Dan Ryan)