OCCUPATION: Business Development Consultant
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Business Development Manager – Auto Dealerships; Professional Musician & Actor; Pastor
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Northwest College – Music Studies
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: School Board Member – 2 years
As working families struggle to make ends meet, our children's educational needs have never been more important. And as state leaders struggle to properly prioritize education, budget uncertainties demand unprecedented vigilance in protecting taxpayer's education investment.
This is why I am running.
School boards are stewards of sacred dollars, hard-earned by working families, in pursuit of a sacred trust, the education of our children. As I promised when I ran for this office two years ago, I have worked to ensure that we are focused on the essentials, educating effectively and efficiently.
While pushing for restoration of adequate and stable funding for public schools, I have joined with school officials and the community in the ongoing development of a strategic vision for Gresham-Barlow in the years ahead.
As we continue to stress and strengthen the educational essentials of reading, writing, math, science and history, we must also implement strategies to equip students to thrive in a 21st century economy. Today's students are not merely tomorrow's work force. They are also tomorrow's leaders and entrepreneurs requiring not only the skills to go to college and get jobs, but the skills to create jobs as well.
Schools are the laboratory where the future is being invented. Using existing and emerging technologies, we must expand choices in how education is delivered and the efficiencies with which we manage education dollars.
Thank you for your vote as we work together for:
- Expanded learning options – We need more, not less choice in education
- Restoration of appropriate funding levels for education
- Policies & reality-based budgets that reflect our highest values
I can be reached at Dan4SchoolBoard@gmail.com.
Endorsed By: John Lim - Former State Senator & Representative
Rep. Matt Wingard - Co-Chair House Education Committee
Bess Wills – Former GBEF Board Member & General Manager Gresham Ford
(This information furnished by Dan Chriestenson)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.