May 17, 2011 - Pleasant Home Water District - Commissioner, Pos. 4 - William Dodds




OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 20 some years in Transportation industry; Coffee Shop Owner; Grounds Manager Columbia Gorge Hotel

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland Community College 1.5 yrs. Aviation Mechanics; Clackamas Community College 2 yrs ‘AA' Gen. Studies; Mt Hood Community College ‘AA' ‘Plant' Nursery Technology; Portland Community College Community Development

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: US Army 1969-1971 Decorated Veteran, Honorable Discharge

Election not Selection

I want to be your water board connection.

My opponent is a fine person. I have no argument with her, however, she was selected to her present position on the board, not elected by the citizens of the district.

Not unlike the Japanese citizens in their the nuclear disaster who knew little of their nuclear situation before hand, Pleasant Home Water's Citizen's need to know more.

A more open disclosure of the board's meetings and decisions should be available. I feel that the good people of this district need more direct participation in this most important of all task's, clean water.

I would like to see a website where district citizens would be able to learn more about the district, it's decisions, and perhaps a way to quickly activate water quality warning's. A site where questions would be answered, by board members.

Currently this information is privy only to the board members and those who are able to attend open meetings.

As we have learned recently from Portland Water Bureau, the price of clean water can skyrocket with little or no warning due to changes needed to protect water quality. These decisions and how they are made and by who, need to be a matter of public record.

If elected I promise to work toward these ends. Thank you for your consideration and please support me.

Election not Selection! William Dodds

(This information furnished by William E. Dodds)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023