OCCUPATION: Cable TV Co-Host; Free Lance Writer

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Land Management Consultant, Retired; Portland Parks, Supervisor, Retired; Oregon Army National Guard Captain, Retired

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland Community College, Associate of Applied Science, Management; Kubasaki American High School, Diploma; Benson Polytechnic High School; Kellogg School

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Director, Multnomah Education Service District, Two Terms; Multnomah County Democratic Precinct Committeeman (4041)

Three things to consider during this school election:

1. It is time to cultivate a program of promoting from within, that means hiring and training people to progress to higher positions over time within the Portland Public School System. Those people would have the values and the culture of our citizens and would not require hiring outsiders.
2. Compressing high school to three years, with longer school days for students. With some teachers coming in early and some coming in later. For those students who do not like school, they could get it over with sooner. This will lower the high school dropout rate. The high school dropout rate is not being adequately addressed. It is a serious problem that is propelling our young people into poverty. We must reverse this trend because it adversely effects us all. And, for those going to college, by starting one year earlier. Because of inflation, it will cut the cost of a college education by 10% or more.
3. The ballot measures, they cost too much. During this recession, spending this much is too hard on the taxpayers.
Ballot Measure, 26-121, Vote NO!
Ballot Measure, 26-122, Vote NO!

Hire John Sweeney by voting for John Sweeney.

Questions? Call John Sweeney, 503-548-7198

(This information furnished by John Sweeney)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023