OCCUPATION: Director of Government Affairs & Health Policy Analyst, Care Medical; President, Pacific Association for Medical Equipment Services
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Contract Coordinator, Care Medical
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University, MPA-Master of Public Administration; BA- Political Science. MHCC, transferred. Sam Barlow HS, Diploma
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Precinct Committee Person; Multnomah County Sheriff's Office Reserve Deputy
A fourth generation Oregonian, I am proud to call East County my home for over 30 years. My wife and I graduated from public schools and worked our way through college. We care deeply about the future of our education system, both for our family and yours.
My background is in small business, government affairs, and public administration. I will use these critical skills to serve the Reynolds School District both here at home and while representing our interests in Salem.
Despite difficult challenges ahead, I remain optimistic. The long-term success of our communities depends on the children in today's classrooms. This is why I am personally visiting every school in our district.
As your Reynolds School Board Member, I will be committed to ensuring:
- Access to an excellent public education for every child, regardless of economic or cultural status.
- Fiscal responsibility in spending taxpayers' dollars.
- Support for teachers; our students' success depends on it.
- A reality-based approach to involving working families.
- Increased opportunities for higher education and training.
I ask for your vote on May 17th.
State Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson
State Representatives:
Jefferson Smith
Greg Matthews
Michael Dembrow
Lew Frederick
Troutdale Mayor Jim Kight
Metro Councilor Shirley Craddick
Gresham Councilor Paul Warr-King
Stand for Children, Reynolds Chapter
“Robert has developed a reputation as someone who is dedicated to efficiency and excellence in our public education system. More importantly, he isn't afraid to stand up, speak out, and advocate for our community. I hope that you will elect him to the Reynolds School Board on May 17th”.
-Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson
Join me on Facebook at: Friends of Robert Lee
(This information furnished by Robert E Lee)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.