OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 32 years working in the Sheet Metal industry; 20 years as a production worker, and 12 years as a Business Agent for SMWIA, Local 16.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Jefferson High Grad; LERC Business Course at U of O; (Contract Negotiation in the Private Sector); George Meany Center; Business Agent Course; Shop Steward and Grievance Handling, Local 16

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Served on committee to extend-out work benefits to workers who lost jobs due to plant closures.

RECOGNITION: Neighborhood Excellence Initiative; Bank of America- 2007 Local Hero Award; Board of Directors, DePaul Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center and DePaul Youth Treatment Center

Mike knows that encouraging students to seek higher goals is a must in today's economy. He also realizes that every student can't afford to go to college or is qualified or chooses to, and that we must try to prepare all our students for life after high school. Excellent vocational classes give our students the skills needed to qualify for good jobs in our community.

Larger classrooms, fewer teachers, a shorter school year, programs cuts, and a smaller school budget don't mean we have an insurmountable uphill battle. It does mean that we must make the tough decisions that need to be made in the Reynolds School District .

Michael Smith, brings diversity to the Reynolds School Board, and the backbone to make the gut wrenching decisions.

As a parent of two daughters who went through our Reynolds Schools (Wilkes, H.B. Lee, Reynolds H.S.), I am both aware that the District has a reputation for delivering quality education within a safe environment in which all students can learn.



Michael has a long history of working in the community. As a parent of children that graduated from the Reynolds School District, he has a unique perspective on the value of education and its vital role in the community.

Multnomah County Commissioner, Loretta Smith

Endorsed By Stand For Children, Reynolds Chapter


(This information furnished by Michael D. Smith)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023