OCCUPATION: Portland City Commissioner

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Civil rights attorney—defending employees against illegal firing and discrimination; host, public affairs show; community volunteer

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Northeastern Law School; Harvard

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Portland Public Schools Childcare Task Force; Elders in Action; Housing Authority of Portland; Oregon Cultural Trust; legislative aide, Congressman Barney Frank

PERSONAL: Nick, Patricia and their two children live in the Grant Park neighborhood.

Nick Fish: Standing Up For All Portlanders
“Nick is making a difference to people who need our help during this recession. He is hard-working, effective and accountable. We proudly endorse him.”
-Senator Ron Wyden and Governor Barbara Roberts

  • Delivered homes for thousands of families and individuals
  • Preserved housing for older adults and people with disabilities
  • Developed Portland's first plan to provide homeless services during winter storms
  • Protected homeowners and renters facing foreclosure

Nick Fish: The Right Priorities
“Nick stretched the city budget to protect basic services and invest in family wage jobs. He has the right priorities.”
-Mike Roach and Kim Osgood, co-owners, Paloma Clothing

  • Co-sponsored Buy Local initiative to keep tax dollars in the local economy
  • Supported $2.5 million small business assistance program
  • Funded Youth Conservation Corps to give young people work experience and training in environmental stewardship
  • Opposed spending $40 million to build a baseball stadium in Lents Park

Nick Fish: Leadership We Can Trust
The Oregon League of Conservation Voters endorses Nick because he is working hard to protect Ross Island, cut carbon emissions, and preserve our parks, trails and natural areas for future generations.

“Nick's common sense, passion for public service, and openness is refreshing.”
-Kay Toran, Nonprofit Leader of the Year (2008)

Community Supporters:

Stand for Children

State Treasurer Ted Wheeler

Portland Firefighters' Association

Representative Tina Kotek

Portland Association of Teachers

AFSCME, Local 189

City Commissioner Amanda Fritz

Mike Houck

Gretchen Kafoury

Steve Novick

NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon (Green Light)

Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens


(This information furnished by Nick Fish for City Council)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023