May 18, 2010 - Metro Councilor #1 - Jeffrey Reynolds

JEFFERY REYNOLDSOCCUPATION: Integra Telecom – Credit and Collections IIOCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Chairman – Multnomah...


OCCUPATION: Integra Telecom – Credit and Collections II

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Chairman – Multnomah County Chapter – Americans For Prosperity; Media Outreach Coordinator – Oregon Liberty Coalition

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Connecticut College BA Zoology

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Precinct Committee Person – Multnomah County GOP ; Steering Committee – U-Choose (Issues Committee, Multnomah County GOP )

Jeff Reynolds for Metro Council, District #1

Restoring Local Control In Land Use Decisions

  • Common Sense Decisions For A Sound Economy
  • A First-Class Transit System For Families AND Businesses
  • True Transparency And Representation Of All Citizens In The Debate
  • Stop Importing Crime Into Neighborhoods Via Transit Lines

In Oregon there is much talk about diversity, but rarely is it diversity of opinion. I will go to Metro to represent a different perspective and to ensure that all residents have a voice.

Do you feel a disconnect between Metro land use planners and the families and businesses who live and thrive in your community?

Has your commute gotten easier, or are you spending more time each day in your car away from your family?

With Metro's reliance on mass transit planning, are we sacrificing the effective transport of commercial goods? In this recession, how are we fostering new business growth in the Metro Region?

There is no greater right granted by the US Constitution than the right to own your own property. We need common sense on Metro Council, and a return to fundamental principles of personal liberty. I believe that the people who know best how to preserve wild spaces and use the land in their communities are the people who live and work there every day. In this Great Recession, the last thing we need is to create more red tape. We should free up businesses to grow and provide good jobs.

I am running for Metro Council to restore control of land use to the people who live and work in the community, while using every resource available to us to create vitality through a first class transportation system.

(This information furnished by Friends Of Jeff)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023