May 19, 2009 - Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue District - Director, Position 3 - Sue Lamb

SUE LAMBOCCUPATION: Building Division Permit TechnicianOCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Production Analyst; Travel Industry Sales...


OCCUPATION: Building Division Permit Technician

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Production Analyst; Travel Industry Sales, Marketing, and Operations

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Arizona State University - BS, Psychology; Santa Clara University

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Civil Service Commission/TVF&R Community Academy; Tualatin City Council; Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency (9-1-1) Board & Budget Committee; Clean Water Services Advisory Commission & Budget Committee; Oregon Urban Community Forestry Council (now called Oregon Community Trees); Portland Metropolitan Area Local Government Boundary Commission; Greenspace Policy Advisory Committee; Tualatin Parks Advisory Committee and Tualatin Budget Committee

I will bring a strong background in public service, both as a volunteer and building code professional, to the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Board of Directors.

I will bring a valuable perspective as a former city councilor and current city employee, of the importance of partnerships with local, regional, and state jurisdictions and outside agencies.

I will bring experience, having served on several budget groups, on the importance of fiscal responsibility and accountability.

I will bring the spirit of a dedicated volunteer to the Board of Directors, ensuring that the needs and concerns of the citizens are being heard as Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue considers new ways to provide services in the future.

I will embrace the traditions, as well as engage the dynamic potential, of one of the finest ‘fire departments' in the nation.


I will bring an ongoing commitment to Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue's goals of making safety, performance, customer service, and professionalism, central to all policy decisions as we serve the visitors, citizens, and personnel of the District.

Please Vote for Sue Lamb – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Director, Position 3

(This information furnished by Susan “Sue” A. Lamb)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023