May 2003 Special Election - CORBETT SCHOOL DISTRICT - Director, Position 6





EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Corbett High School; Mt. Hood Community College

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Corbett School Budget Committee 1992-1995; Corbett Water Board Budget Committee 1996-1998; Corbett School Board 1999 - Current

I would like to see more resources for the children of our community. As our nation moves more towards an information based economy, a good education will become an absolute necessity to compete in the job market. Why should our country import so much talent from overseas when our own children could fill these jobs, given the right education.

Public schools have been vital to our country, not only to provide us with a literate society, but as the engine of the great melting pot. Let’s give our children a school system that is as good, that is better, than the one we enjoyed.

We need to be good stewards of our buildings and grounds for the current students, and the students who will be attending in the years to come. We need to spend every dime carefully, and thoughtfully. The voters have spoken several times on tax cuts and tax increases. Spending decisions must be scrutinized closely.

The School staff answers to the superintendent, the superintendent answers to the school board, and the school board answers to the community. This system of checks and balances has served us well and should remain strongly in place Each board member must search his conscience to find where the line is that separates oversight from unnecessary interference.

When I first ran for school board 4 years ago I had many concerns about the direction the school board seemed to be taking our school. Most of my concerns have now moved to the state level, and I think our school is doing well. Are things perfect? No. Are things pretty good? Yes.

(This information furnished by Mike Grover)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023