OCCUPATION: Systems Management and Performance Consultant.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 18 years of progressive experience in systems and management.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Gettysburg College, B.A. National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliance with Medicare & Medicaid payor organizations.
I am committed to seeing that we get the most out of our education dollars, and in seeing that those dollars make it into the classroom, where teachers can use them to do their jobs. The idea that an underpaid teacher would give up on the bureaucracies and spend their own money for services and supplies is disgraceful, and it happens far too often.
I believe that we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Before we ask you to absorb a tax increase, we must be sure that the money we already take from your family budget is spent most effectively. I trust teachers and parents, not the educational bureaucracy, to keep the needs of our children in sight and at the highest priority.
We’ve seen politicians begin to try to punish voters for voting against Measure 28, holding our children hostage to voters’ understandable resistance to the politicians’ out of control spending. I will not allow this to happen once I am elected. I will ensure that your money is spent on educating our children.
I will also ensure that those who choose to home school will receive the support they are entitled to, while resisting any attempts to start over-regulating parents who have chosen to take responsibility for their children’s education.
I will be a socially tolerant, fiscally responsible voice on the Board of Directors. My professional experience has included the streamlining of systems, producing vendor “report cards”, and supporting purchasing departments. This professional experience will be very useful on the board.
We can reclaim our children’s schools. It starts with your vote.
Please contact me at DanForMESD@hotmail.com with any questions or concerns you may have.
(This information furnished by Dan Fitzgerald)
OCCUPATION: Consultant, Child & Family Services
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Manager and Clinical Director, Multnomah County Behavioral Health; School Mental Health Consultant; Involuntary Commitment Investigator; Psychiatric Technician; Teacher; Salesclerk
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Master of Education in Counseling, Lewis & Clark College; Teaching Credential, California State University, Long Beach; BS-History, California State University, Long Beach
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Board of Directors, Advisory Member for Social Services, MESD; Multnomah County Child Fatality Review Team; Multnomah County Child Abuse Multi-Disciplinary Team; East County Caring Community Steering Committee; Hartley and Margaret Scott Elementary School Advisory Committees
Community Service:
28 years of experience serving children and families in Multnomah County; teacher, parent and a community volunteer (Scouts, Goose Hollow Family Shelter, Samaritan Counseling Board of Directors, Early Childhood Mental Health Partnership). Developed and delivered many services to Multnomah County’s children including: the School Mental Health Program, Early Childhood Mental Health, the Partner’s Project, CARES, NW Family Support Program, and the Children’s Receiving Center.
Endorsed By Many Community Leaders:
Harry Ainsworth; Jay Bloom; Jim Buck; Lorena Campbell; Rosemary Celaya-Alston; Jeff Cogen; Carol Cole; Serna Cruz, Multnomah County Commissioner; Marie E. Dahlstrom; Rey Espana, Latino Network; Jean Haliski; Mary Lou Johnson; Sy Kornbrodt; Diane Linn, Multnomah County Chair; Commissioner Lisa Naito; Lolenzo Poe; Lonnie Roberts, Multnomah County Commissioner; Maria Rojo de Steffey, Multnomah County Commissioner; Portland City Commissioner, Dan Saltzman; Michael D. Schrunk Multnomah County District Attorney; Patti Swanson; Carolyn Tomei, State Representative; Geraline Washington
• Accountable – to make tough decision and measure good work
• Responsible – to provide quality education for all of Multnomah County’s children
• Experienced – to move through tough times with resilience
Janice Gratton pledges to work for stable school funding!
Janice Gratton pledges to work for stable, committed leadership!
(This information furnished by Janice Gratton)
OCCUPATION: Tax Consultant
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Federally certified to represent defendant taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service; union boilermaker; small business owner; U.S. Army Reserve, retired.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Benson Polytechnic High School; Linfield College, B.S. in Business Administration; Graduate study at Portland State University.
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Active tax reform advocate. State Representative 1985-87: Chairman of Sunset Review Committee; Member of the following committees: Revenue and School Finance, Education, State and Federal Affairs, and Intergovernmental Affairs. Member of MT Hood Community College Board.
“Ron McCarty is the best qualified candidate:
-John Sweeney, former MESD board member.
Education of our youth is the highest priority of our society.
The purpose of education is to provide each student with the knowledge and skills essential to become a lifelong learner and contributing, productive member of our society; the cost can be high, but the VALUE is always higher.
Education is more cost effective than welfare or prison.
It is the responsibility of the legislature to solve the problems of educational finance. They referred problems to the vote of the people and did not handle the fiscal problem themselves.
Join with me, and together, we can make a difference.
-Ron McCarty
Ron is committed to working to maintain the Talented and Gifted program and to enhance the “BOX CAR” (bulk) RATE” purchasing program to save tax dollars.
I’m available at 503-253-3284
(This information furnished by Ron McCarty)