May 2003 Special Election - Mt. Hood Community College - Director, Zone 3

DUKE SHEPARDOCCUPATION: Policy Advisor on Business, Labor, and Economic Development for Multnomah County Chair Diane Linn....


OCCUPATION: Policy Advisor on Business, Labor, and Economic Development for Multnomah County Chair Diane Linn.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Project Manager, Worksystems Inc.; Oregon Nurses Association; Raise the Minimum Wage Coalition.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lebanon Union High School, Lebanon Oregon; University of Oregon, B.A. Political Science.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Oregon Commission for Voluntary Action and Service; Oregon Progress Board; Portland New Markets Advisory Committee; elected precinct committee person.

As a member of the Mount Hood Community College Board, I will work to ensure that MHCC delivers high quality education and job training to put people back to work and build our economy for the future.

Prepare our students for the jobs of tomorrow.

• In order to expand our community’s educational opportunities, MHCC must offer a high quality education now as well as prepare the students of tomorrow.

“Duke has experience building partnerships between industry, high schools, community colleges and universities. As a board member, he’ll work to ensure that MHCC prepares our students for the jobs of tomorrow.”

- State Senator Frank Shields

Stimulate the local economy by putting our community back to work

• Mount Hood Community College must play an important role in revitalizing our economy and putting dislocated workers back to work through training and education.

“Duke understands the connection between a strong community college and a strong local economy. He has the vision and experience to help MHCC and our community be successful in years to come.”

- Multnomah County Commissioner Lonnie Roberts

Make MHCC a regional leader in healthcare education.

• MHCC plays a growing role in local healthcare education. This is more important than ever with rising health costs and shortages of nurses and other health professionals.

“Duke will bring invaluable experience in healthcare and workforce training to the MHCC Board.”

- State Representative Jeff Merkley

(This information furnished by Duke Shepard)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023