OCCUPATION: Property Manger II, Port of Portland

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: President/Owner, Victoria Beef Company; Sales Manager, Bluestone & Hockley Realty; Real Estate Development, KFC National Management Company; Commercial Real Estate

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Southern Methodist University, BBA; University of Texas Graduate School of Business; CCIM Institute, Certified Commercial Investment Manager Designation


In order to maintain the exceptional quality of life that we enjoy in this county, I believe that job growth is essential. If elected, I will pursue a course of sensible growth in order to attract and retain those industries that offer both a clean environment and a strong family wage structure.

While Multnomah County voters recently demonstrated their commitment to the local school system in passing a short-term countywide income tax, this generosity of spirit and willingness to do what is right should not be abused. It is time to put a fiscal conservative on the board to counter the free spending attitude of some of the current incumbents and to insure that the people’s money is going exactly where it was intended.

Having worked for a public agency, I have gained a tremendous respect for the concept of transparency. I believe in an open and honest government, and that the people have the right to know what actions their elected officials are planning to implement. If these actions are of a political nature and affect the general public, there is a need for open discussion and dialogue between all parties. I will bring this openness to the board and will welcome and consider all viewpoints before making a decision.

Respectfully yours, John Cox

(This information furnished by John Cox)


OCCUPATION: Distributor The Oregonian Newspaper

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Asst Traffic Mgr Crown Zellerbach; Owner, Rusty Ranch Burger; General Mgr, Babyland Diaper Service

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: St. Ignatius Catholic Grade School; Central Catholic High School; Portland State University, BS; U of Chicago Advance Traffic; Interstate Commerce Practitioner.



Open Door Policy

No Secret Meeting

Education Stadards

Family Values


Gay Marrages

Government Waste

Secret Government Meetings

Education Waste and Overlaps

(This information furnished by Louis DeMartino)


OCCUPATION: Owner/Principal, Dugan Strategic Marketing

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Principal, Dugan Inc. Advertising/Public Relations; Management Associate, Pacific/West Communications Group; Manager of Marketing/Advertising, Evergreen International Aviation; Regional Marketing Director, Ringling Bros. Circus/Walt Disney on Ice

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: B.S. Journalism, University of Oregon

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Mayor’s Office/Steering Committee – Portland ‘Neighbor Safe 2000’ initiative; Government Affairs Chair/Board – Portland Advertising Federation; Development/Fundraising Director (volunteer) – Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement; River Renaissance Public Involvement/Public Information Committee; Press Secretary, House Minority Office/Caucus – Oregon Legislature


  • Board of Directors, Public Relations Society of America/Portland
  • American Red Cross/Oregon (Board-level) Market Position Committee/crisis volunteer;
  • City Club of Portland;
  • Volunteer, MacDonald Residence/Assisted Living Center/Old Town;
  • Multnomah County foster-child camp counselor/Portland Christian Church;
  • Meals on Wheels Thanksgiving volunteer;
  • Hiteon Elementary art literacy teaching volunteer;

Dear Friends:

Through involvement with NeighborSafe 2000, I heard comments from neighbors throughout the city again and again of what I would describe as a feeling of dis-connect between themselves and the County. Through volunteer fundraising efforts to support neighborhoods two years later, I heard the same comments.

As a native Oregonian – born in District 1, I’m running to re-establish trust and to aggressively pursue priorities important to you.

As a businessman, I understand the importance of a business environment that encourages growth while also protecting livability

  • From a priority standpoint, I will not allocate tax dollars toward experiments with county rooftops or to excessive salaries for librarians. I will pursue goals most critical to you.
  • I will work to lower our crime rate
  • I believe in finding solutions to problems of at-risk youth, the homeless, the elderly and those seeking a chance at self-sufficiency and will work toward those ends

We need new trust and accountability in Multnomah County. With your help, we’ll restore that trust and go back to work on things that matter.

Kerry Dugan


Contact Kerry at: 222.4163

(This information furnished by Citizens to Elect Kerry Dugan)


OCCUPATION: Multnomah County Commissioner, District 1

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Director – Department of Sustainable Community Development, Multnomah County; Chief of Staff – City Commissioner Dan Saltzman; Stadium Manager – Civic Stadium; Deputy Executive – Multnomah County Chair Beverly Stein’s Office; Deputy Director – Environmental Services, Multnomah County

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: B.S., University of Oregon

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Multnomah County Commissioner, District 1


As our County Commissioner, Maria Rojo de Steffey has gotten results on the issues critical to our future – often when others said it couldn’t be done.


Maria secured $35,000,000 in federal transportation funds for Multnomah County. Not only did it help repair crumbling roads and bridges, it saved and created hundreds of jobs.

“Without Maria’s amazing work on the Sauvie Island Bridge and her ability to listen, my business would have shut down. We need her continued work on the county commission.”

Dave Koennecke, Alder Creek Co.


Maria formed a Senior Advisory Roundtable and protected funding for basic Senior housing and ombudsman services.


Maria fought to defend critical services for vulnerable kids, and acted to prevent teacher layoffs and preserve a full school year.

Endorsed by Portland Association of Teachers


Maria spearheaded support and passage of Multnomah County’s sustainable development principles, which will help protect our air water and land for future generations.

Endorsed by Oregon League of Conservation Voters.


Maria believes that there are things worth fighting for. She stood up when critical services to seniors, kids and the mentally ill were threatened. She refuses to accept discrimination. And Maria watches the bottom line, because as a small businessperson, she knows that every tax dollar is hard earned.

“Maria proves that you can have principles and get things done. There isn’t anyone else like her.”

Peg Malloy, Housing Advocate

Leadership That Works

(This information furnished by Friends of Maria Rojo de Steffey)


OCCUPATION: Senior Civil Rights Investigator, Civil Rights Division, Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Civil Rights Investigative Team Manager/Civil Rights Investigator, Civil Rights Division, Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries; Store Manager, U-Haul Company of Oregon; Assistant Branch Manager, Fred Meyer Savings and Loan.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland State University, BA; Ricks College, AA

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: School Board Member (1995-1999), Portland Public Schools (elected)

It is a democracy!

The majority of the Multnomah County Commissioners decided to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples without holding any public hearings. Do you agree with the process?

I don’t.

I believe in democracy and want an open government. It does not matter if the County Commissioners wanted to grant special rights or equal rights to the heterosexuals or homosexuals, the opponents, supporters (not just the powerful advocates), business owners, insurance and benefits providers, tax preparers, etc. should have an opportunity to give their opinions to the elected officials before the final decision was made. The majority of the County Commissioners did not choose the open process. What other major decisions affecting our lives will the County Commissioners make without public input?

If you desire a candidate who can get more federal tax dollars (which come from you) to replace a bridge and help improve local schools, who can bring money into this community that saves jobs, helps senior citizens and families, please vote for her or him.

If you believe that there are ills in Multnomah County that cannot be corrected simply by seeking and obtaining more federal tax dollars, I ask you to carefully examine the challengers. If I, Joseph Tam, were worthy of your support I would like to have your vote in the May 18, 2004, Primary Election. Please mail your ballot today.

(This information furnished by Joseph Tam)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023