OCCUPATION: Bookstore Salesperson

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Executive Director: Alliance for CHOICE; Pastor; Field Service Rep; Electrical Engineer; Production Tech

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Portland Public Schools; BA, California Baptist College; BSEE, Portland State University; some Masters work

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Precinct Committeeperson; Precinct Chairman; lobbyist in Salem and in Washington, DC

Does our county seem
Do you feel our “leaders” are

Lisa and friends betrayed us

To force a change of policy to fit their personal views they used secrecy, excluded a commissioner, and ignored due process. They studiously bypassed the Open Meetings Law. Their methods reveal disrespect for citizens, and disregard for the law.

Careful with the money!

We need a good Library Director and libraries in good repair. Still, we need to better manage the budgets and priorities to get the finest at reasonable cost.

Many of us have known unemployment or underemployed. We learned to cut expenses during hard times. We need this same common sense in spending tax dollars. Let’s quit driving employers out of our county with our taxes. Let’s quit playing politics with education and public safety.

Education, Safety, and other priorities

I will fight for families wanting quality education for their children. (ideas at and my website)

I will fight for families who want their children safe from pornography in the public library. Let’s balance free access with reasonable protection for minors, and cooperate with caring parents.

My breadth of experience in hi-tech industry, consumer sales, production environments, as a service provider, and working with people having various needs, has proven me capable in listening and in communicating with people in all walks of life.

I have proven myself to be a strong team player, a problem solver, and a cooperative partner.

Roy Burkett: Reliable, Responsible, Innovative

(This information furnished by Roy Burkett)


OCCUPATION: Tax Consultant/Enrolled Agent

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Union Boilermaker; Small business owner; U.S. Army.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduate Studies, Portland State; B.S. Linfield College; Benson Polytechnic High School.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Four years State Representative, eight years Mt. Hood Community College Board; five years elected Multnomah Labor Council.

“His independent voting record often places him outside party ranks, although it demonstrates the McCarty probably represents his district’s constituents better than Barbara Roberts did.”

Wayne Thompson, Oregonian (6/27/85)

The most important part in problem solving is listening to all sides.

Experience at representing constituents, not political machines or the hidden agenda of special interests. Ron does not accept contributions from lobbyists.

As one who has evaluated state agency and school budgets, while on the State Revenue and School Finance Committees in the Legislature; Ron is the most qualified candidate to deal with the fiscal problems and budget issues facing Multnomah County.

What former legislators have to say about Ron.

“Ron demonstrated during his terms in the legislature that he was a bipartisan thinker and worked well with both parties in building consensus for his bills. But more important, he is a good guy and a good friend.”

-Bruce Hugo, former Representative

“Ron single-handedly got an $800 tax credit for East Multnomah County property owners who connected to the sewers. It was the largest credit in state history. He lowered the state income tax from 10% to 9%, gave $1000 deduction to senior citizens, and exempted Social Security from taxation.”

-Bill Dwyer, Lane County Commissioner


Last year Ron’s opponent, Lisa Naito, supported raising your income tax in Multnomah County. The bill, which was put before voters, promised to secure funding for education, but actually, the bill took hard-earned money from the taxpayers and the revenue was mainly used for county projects, not education.


Feel free to call Ron, 503-253-3284

Vote for Ron McCarty for efficiency in government and positive change. He works for you.

(This information furnished by Friends of Ron McCarty for County Commissioner)


OCCUPATION: County Commissioner


EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: J.D., University of Oregon Law School; B.A., Rice University; Corvallis High School

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Deputy District Attorney; State Representative; Metro Councilor


“Lisa is a tireless advocate for victims of violent crimes.” District Attorney Mike Schrunk

“Lisa is a leader for law enforcement and holding offenders accountable.” Sheriff Bernie Guisto

  • Chairs the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council, marshalling efforts across local jurisdictions for public safety.
  • Promotes domestic violence prevention and alcohol and drug treatment.
  • Trained for emergency preparedness and terrorist response.

“We must end cycling mentally ill persons through the criminal justice system with cost-effective services.” Lisa Naito

“Lisa provides effective leadership for our children and public schools.” Julia-Brim Edwards, Portland School Board.

  • Fought for stable school funding.
  • Championed the Children’s Receiving Center, a safe haven for children taken into state custody for child abuse and neglect.
  • Pushed dramatic changes to permanently end homelessness for youth.

My vision for the future is that all children in high risk situations get the supports they need to be safe and healthy.” Lisa Naito

“Lisa cares deeply about affordable health care and medications for seniors.”

Senior Advocate and State Representative Steve March

Fought to maintain independent living services for the frail elderly.
Supports prosecution and increased investigation of elder abuse.
“All people in our community should be treated with dignity, respect and honor.” Lisa Naito

Sheriff Bernie Giusto; District Attorney, Mike Schrunk; Oregon League of Conservation Voters, Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council; AFSCME Local 88, Multnomah County Employees Union; Portland Association of Teachers-Teachers Voice in Politics.

Dear Neighbor,

I have worked hard for safer neighborhoods, children, youth and efficient government services. There is more work to be done. I appreciate your continued support and your vote! Thank you. Lisa.

(This information furnished by Citizens for Lisa Naito)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023