City of Portland Commissioner, Position 1

OCCUPATION: State Representative
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: electronics; manufacturing; financial analysis; public management
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Dartmouth College; public schools
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Democratic Majority Leader; chair: NASA innovation council; consumer advocate: Oregon Construction Contractors Board; Portland Environmental Services Director
“Right now, we need real leaders at City Hall who’ll deliver real results. Mary Nolan delivers.”
--Governor Barbara Roberts
--Mayor Vera Katz
Thousands of people all around Portland support Mary Nolan:
- Teachers and parents because Nolan protected school funding, expanded college scholarships andsaved 3,000 teacher jobs.
- Nurses and doctors because Nolan led efforts to build clinics for low-Income families.
- Environmentalists because Nolan led the Initiative to protect and clean up the Willamette and launched Portland’s pioneering recycling program;
- Progressive business owners because Nolan supports middle class jobs with good benefits.
- Minimum-wage workers because Nolan delivered health insurance for 80,000 Oregon children, including theirs.
- Pro-choice advocates because Nolan co-founded Oregon NARAL and defended women’s reproductive rights for 35 years.
- Community activists because Nolan promotes Portland’s livable neighborhoods while preserving farmland, forests, Oregon’s special places.
- Families of every kind because Nolan fights for economic fairness, equality and dignity for everyone.
A competent, effective and bold manager
Nolan started a successful electronics business and knows what it takes to grow jobs here in Portland while protecting our air, water, open space, neighborhoods. Nolan saved millions of dollars and significantly improved services while running major City bureaus. She’ll push City Hall to focus on the right priorities, do better with less, and deliver more accountability.
The People We Trust, Trust Mary Nolan (partial list)
Portland Association of Teachers
Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon
Portland Firefighters Association
Basic Rights Oregon
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon
Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens
Sierra Club
Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council
Oregon Small Business for Responsible Leadership
Portland School Board Members Martin Gonzalez,
Bobbie Regan, and Trudy Sargent
Reynolds School Board Member Robert Lee
Parkrose School Board Member James Woods
Former City Auditors Anne Kelly Feeney and Jewel Lansing
www. marynolanforcitycouncil .com
(This information furnished by Mary Nolan for City Council)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.