Commissioner, Position 4

Occupation: Semi-Retired
Occupational Background: Twenty-four years of progressive operations, financial, and project management experience in healthcare, manufacturing (client-facing) and telecom industries, two years working in operational roles with small businesses, and a broad educational background which includes an MBA. Expertise in managing people, major capital projects, vendor programs, training/safety programs, and operations. Strengths include creative problem solving, facilitating, highly effective interpersonal and financial analysis skills, and a propensity towards innovation.
Educational Background: Willamette University, Environmental Science, Bachelor of Science; Duke University, Forestry, Masters of Forestry; Pacific Lutheran University, Business, MBA
Prior Governmental Experience: None to date
Looking forward to giving back to my community by supporting the Burlington Water District Board in their endeavors to provide safe drinking water at a fair price to their customers.
(This information furnished by Ron Yann.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.