Position 7, At Large

Occupation: Retired (AFGE); United States Army
Occupational Background: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Service Representative, Congressional Liaison; Oregon AFL-CIO At-Large Member for American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE); Human Rights Committee (AFGE); National Women's Advisory Coordinator Eleventh District
Educational Background: Mt. Hood Community College, Oregon State University, Portland State University – Masters of Education, 2005
Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah Education Services Division (MESD) Superintendent Search Committee Member; National VA Council Bargaining Team, Article 67: Master Agreement between American Federation of Government Employees and Department of Veterans Affairs (2011); Portland VA Regional Office Congressional Liaison; United States Army
Amanda is also a proud and grateful survivor of breast cancer, an Army Veteran; and so much more. Amanda Is married to Matt, whom she met in the Army. They have two children: Emmanuelle, a Centennial High School sophomore and Kenny, a sixth grader at Butler Creek Elementary School.
Amanda is a graduate of Emerge Oregon, a leadership and training program for Democratic women. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Oregon State University and a
Master’s Degree in Education from Portland State University.
Invest Today in the Possibilities of Tomorrow!
“I am running for Centennial School Board Director, Position 7, At-Large because I believe that public education is reflective of the viability and vitality of our community.
Recognizing the continuum of academic security and the impact of poverty and hunger on the educational experience, I know that investing in our children now means a future of possibility for the children in Centennial School District. In order to provide every child with the education they deserve, the Centennial School Board must have a vision, create structures to foster and improve stability, and be forward thinking, all while remaining accountable to our community. We must advocate for our students at every opportunity and create with them, the community in which they not only survive, but thrive. A vote for me is an investment today in the possibilities of tomorrow!”
(This information furnished by Amanda L. Schroeder.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Position 7, At Large

Occupation: Director, Centennial School Board
Occupational Background: Retired Chief Operating Officer, Bonneville Power Administration. Throughout my 26 years at Bonneville, I held various executive, managerial, and staff positions including Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Risk Officer and Treasurer; Centennial School District Budget Committee member; Volunteer, Centennial School District Bond Election. Volunteer, Clackamas County Bike and Pedestrian Committee
Educational Background: Willamette University, Finance MBA; St. Olaf College, Biology/French BA; Gresham High School, diploma
Prior Governmental Experience: Director, Centennial School Board; 30-year federal government career with Bonneville Power Administration, US Department of State, and US Forest Service
I have always been a strong advocate for public education. During my tenure as a member of the Centennial School Board, my appreciation for public education has been renewed and fortified. I embrace the Centennial Destination 2023 strategy focused on the four pillars of
1) student focused teaching and learning,
2) healthy culture and environment,
3) effective systems and programs, and
4) community and partnerships
all wrapped around the equity goal that each and every learner receives the resources they need individually to thrive in our schools no matter what. I have enjoyed being a part of a compelling strategy and vision aimed at ensuring that every student achieves success.
I am dedicated to student success. There are at least two initiatives that need additional focus.
- Helping low income and homeless students achieve success. Many efforts in this area have proven very successful, however, much work remains to be done.
- Seeking adequate funding for operations and facilities. I campaigned for the last successful Centennial bond measure nearly 20 years ago. Our facilities face significant challenges, and each budget cycle results in difficult cuts.
The most challenging part of being on the school board is seeking adequate funding for schools. Our kids deserve a strong chance for success. In order to achieve student success we need to adequately fund schools!
(This information furnished by Claudia Andrews.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.