Director, Position 1

Occupation: Retail Operations Manager, Friends of Vista House
Occupational Background: Engineering technician, Intel; Stone Jewelry Business Owner
Educational Background: Pacific University, BS in Biology
Prior Governmental Experience: School Board Director, Position 1, Corbett School District
I believe that positive alignment between the Corbett Community and School District is necessary in order to provide the best educational outcomes for our students. I strongly support the process recommended in the Rob Saxton report to form a committee and a comprehensive plan to directly address the issues at stake and come up with solutions that will better meet the student’s needs as well as the community’s concerns.
I am especially willing to advocate for strong CTE program offerings, linked to East County tech, tourism, and construction businesses that provide real life career and technical education.
I am also willing to support significant changes in existing programming and leadership focus if that is what is needed to get our students the best opportunities for success. We must set high expectations and provide opportunities for all types of learning for all types of students.
Important facility issues, school budget realities, school size, and educational programming are top priorities in this work towards finding a common vision for our schools.
I have faith in the Corbett School and Community to be able to work through the very challenging philosophical and financial realities, and come up with feasible compromises that will allow us to continue to operate as an independent School District.
We feel very fortunate to live in Corbett; our four children graduated from Corbett schools and they benefited from being able to attend a relatively small sized school in their own town. I believe that Corbett is the kind of school that has the ability to develop new educational methods that better fit the realities of today’s world.
As a School Board member, I would work to insure this for Corbett’s current and future students.
(This information furnished by Marguerite Perry.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Position 1

Occupation: Colas Construction Inc. – Construction Operations Manager/Project Manager & Estimator, 2015-present; Zavala Corporation – Senior Project Manager & Senior Estimator, 2011-2015; Star Construction LLC – Project Manager & Estimator, 2010-2011; Lee Redfern Concrete Construction Inc. - Operations Manager/Project Manager & Estimator, 1990-2010
Occupational Background: Budget Reviews, Estimating, Production Tracking, Safety, Scheduling and Management
Educational Background: Mt. Hood C.C. – Broadcasting/Communications; Corbett H.S.
Prior Governmental Experience: NA
My intentions are clear and simple. I want to deliver transparency and accountability from a community that seeks solidarity. This will be best accomplished through a position on the Corbett School Board. I want to ensure that our students get the very best education possible. Our kids are the future and it is about time we begin treating their education and safety as our top priorities.
My family homesteaded in Corbett nearly 150 years ago and its positive “small community” history and economic sustainability is an extremely high priority for me. I’m proud to have made Corbett my home for my entire life. Although not all my children have attended Corbett schools, two are currently enrolled in the middle school. My wife also spent her school years growing up in Corbett and currently volunteers at the School. Corbett is part of my DNA.
We need to find balance in the student population that not only works well for the administration and educators to teach, but works well with the people that live, work and commute in our small town daily. For many years our in-district students have taken a back seat to the wants and needs of people trying to commercialize our district in order hit the next “Newsweek” cover story. If we want to truly make a change to our children’s lives, we need to focus our attention on what it takes to provide them the safest and most accommodating place to fulfill their learning needs and requirements.
With the independent forensic audit and several professional recommendations being presented by the former State of Oregon Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, we will need to evaluate this information and review its holdings thoroughly before moving our schools in any one direction. We need community participation and input through this whole process, so we can continue moving forward with civility and grace.
(This information furnished by Todd Redfern.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.