Director, Position 6

Photo of Charlie O'Neil
Charlie O'Neil

Occupation: Retired from Portland Fire Bureau after 30 years of service. Presently a self employed small business owner.

Occupational Background: United States Army 1973 - 1976; Portland Fire Bureau 1976 - 2006; small business owner 1982- present; assistant high school basketball coach 1982 - 1987, 1994 - 1998 and 2012 - 2014.

Educational Background: El Paso C.C., Fire Science; Corbett High School, High School Diploma

Prior Governmental Experience: Corbett School Board - approximately 17 years total; Multnomah Education Service District budget committee; OSAA redistricting committee.

(This information furnished by Charlie O’Neil.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Director, Position 6

Photo of Cless Woodward
Cless Woodward

Occupation: Westech Construction, Inc., Vice President

Occupational Background: Construction Operations Manager, Chief Estimator, Sr. Project Manager

Educational Background: Western Oregon University, Business Management, Bachelor of Science, Oregon State University, Course Work, Pacific High School, Diploma

Prior Governmental Experience: None

I have lived in Corbett for ten years and have two children that graduated from the Corbett School District with honors in academics and sports. I’ve also had the privilege of serving as President of Corbett Youth Football and Boosters Club, as well as coaching Corbett Junior and High School Football. I have personally experienced the benefits offered by small districts and understand the benefits in programming offered at larger districts.

Most recently, I have been a member of Independent Citizens for Sustainable School Solutions (IC3S). Our goal has been to provide independent review, analysis and recommendation to the School Board in order to provide a written tool that can be used as a road map to the improvements necessary to bring our community together and continue providing great schools for our students.

My Focus:
-SCHOOL SIZE that meets the needs of our students and community
-SUSTAINABLE budgeting
-PROGRAMMING built for in district interests
-TRANSPARENCY with integrity

My past experiences would be a beneficial addition to our School Board. As we face decisions together, we need a Board determined to continue the “communication bridge” that will ensure an informed community. I believe the work, Independent Reviewer Rob Saxton completed, to be a solid and trustworthy document for the Board to use as a guide. It provides a solid foundation for the process that needs to take place to ensure educational success and a wholly supportive community. Corbett’s aging facilities need capital improvements. Before we decide how big of a school to build, we need to establish the student population Corbett Schools will require to function with effective programming.

I am excited for the opportunity to serve the community by listening and helping to build the future of Corbett Schools.

(This information furnished by Cless Woodward.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023