Director, Position 2, Zone 3

Occupation: Small Business Owner; Gresham-Barlow SD – Director; OSBA Director
Occupational Background: Computer Specialist; Contract Administrator; Computer Technical Support; Meter Reader; Utility Workman
Educational Background: Sam Barlow High School; Mt. Hood CC; Leadership Oregon Graduate
Prior Governmental Experience: Gresham-Barlow School Board; OSBA (officer & board member; finance & policy); NSBA Pacific Region (vice-chair, policy); TAG Task Force (SB-272); DSL: Remediation Rulemaking Advisory; Federal Relations Advocate
A strong local community includes strong, effective schools.
Financial Accountability:
- Aligning resources strategically for all students, providing
- Stable class sizes
- Rigorous and relevant curriculum
- Advocating for long-term funding stability
- Budget transparency - effective policies and governance procedures
- Supporting the community investment in our schools
Strong Partnerships:
- Promoting diversity
- Business support - preparing student pathways success
- Adequate college bound preparation – creating choices for all students
- Career Technical Education – hands-on learning
- Success beyond a high school diploma
- Variety of opportunities for all students
- Protecting appropriate co-curricular activities
- Continuing to improve high school graduation
- Ensuring the District meets the needs of our entire community
Kris Howatt
Your vote will allow me to continue working hard to ensure a robust future for all our students.
(This information furnished by Kris Howatt.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.