Director, Position 2

Photo of Alisa Sherman
Alisa Sherman

Occupation: Volunteerism: The Freedom Project, Portland Rescue Mission (Shepherd’s Door), DHS (Foster Respite Care)

Occupational Background: Global Humanitarian Aid Work and Educational Project Planning 1997-present; The Freedom Project; Co-Founder- anti-trafficking global initiative 2006-present

Educational Background: Willamette Dental Group, Certificate; H.I.S. Academy, Diploma

Prior Governmental Experience: PTO Co-Chair, Sacramento Elementary

My husband and I put roots down in Parkrose 8 years ago and have enjoyed raising our children in this beautifully diverse community. I have chosen the path of volunteerism; connecting locally with Portland organizations and abroad. I work with non-profit organizations to bring educational reform, centered around the prevention of human trafficking in schools: throughout Eastern Europe, Africa & Asia. I have had the privilege of serving youth and families in many of the nations where our neighbors come from.

As a mother of 3 Parkrose students I volunteer: in class, on field trips, in SUN programs, at fundraisers and I am the PTO Co-Chair at Sacramento Elementary. I have seen firsthand how hard our teachers work with very little resources. I’ve seen the struggles, the challenges our children face with fewer arts programs, little to no P.E. and a lack of the diverse, creative outlets that are needed for children to thrive in school. We need effective change.

I have been an effective change-maker focusing on the future of children for 20 years. I will bring this experience to Parkrose. We will strengthen our district if we focus on our community. Learning and celebrating our diverse cultures will increase class engagement. Tackling budget shortfalls creatively will ensure a beneficial educational experience for all children, regardless of learning style or personality type.

A lifetime of working with youth, a fresh voice and diverse perspective is what I will bring to your community’s school board. As a mom, as a community member, as a global volunteer - I will use effective and creative strategies to repair and rebuild Parkrose District - the heart of our community.

(This information furnished by Alisa Sherman.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Director, Position 2

Photo of Sara Kirby
Sara Kirby

Occupation: Senior Solid Waste Planner, Metro

Occupational Background: Education Specialist, Metro; Lead Educator, OMSI; Program Coordinator, Phoenix Zoo

Educational Background: Bradshaw Mountain High School; Arizona State University; BS Biology

Prior Governmental Experience: Parkrose School Board 2015-present

The small size, and diversity, of the Parkrose School District community are reasons my husband and I chose to live and raise a family here. We have two children attending elementary school in the district.

School should be an engaging, empowering and transformative experience for all students. Because of three decades of chronic statewide underfunding, less is available to Oregon public school students today than when we were kids: fewer programs, elective and enrichment choices, less time being active and more high-stakes testing.

My kids, our kids, all kids, deserve the best. Our students deserve fully funded school programs.

What do I stand for?

  • Proven, effective strategies that help Parkrose students reach their potential
  • A welcoming, safe environment where all students and staff are respected
  • Thoughtful, evidence-based decisions
  • Tirelessly advocate for the resources our students need
  • Bringing back the programs and opportunities our students have lost
  • Inclusive community engagement practices
  • Collaborative leadership to serve our community

Some very good things are happening in Parkrose School District. Graduation rates are up, new inclusive community engagement strategies are getting more diverse voices to the table, all our schools are improving. I am asking for your support to continue serving all Parkrose students as a member of the school board.

I would appreciate your vote, we can do this together!

(This information furnished by Sara Kirby.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023