Director, Zone 7

Photo of Robert Schultz
Robert Schultz

Occupation: Full Time Single Dad, Researcher, Event Coordinator

Occupational Background: Property Manager, Inspector, Staffing manager

Educational Background: PCC General Education

Prior Governmental Experience: Neighborhood association and other local community groups

I have three children in the PPS School system. I believe a school board member with children currently attending PPS is a unique and important qualification.
I am not spending six figures on a campaign. We deserve more from those stepping into office than to owe favors for campaign contributions?
We have been watching our system remain controlled by political insiders, isn’t it time for a new approach?
We have watched reasonable people get ignored, practical solutions to our many issues disregarded. It is time for someone who can listen to the diverse people of ALL backgrounds, and ALL income levels in our city?
We need something different!
This is your chance to vote for the little guy, and a vote for something different.

I am committed community member, currently involved with: Scouts BSA, Cub Scouts, Lents NA, East Portland Action Plan, Candle lighters, and several other community groups.

(This information furnished by Robert Schultz.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

Director, Zone 7

Photo of Eilidh Lowery
Eilidh Lowery

Occupation: Pastor, Southeast Portland Parish

Occupational Background: Associate Pastor, Director of Family Ministries, AmeriCorps Director

Educational Background: University of Arizona Spanish & Poli Sci Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary MA in Ethics, Church & Society

Prior Governmental Experience: Portland Public Schools Citizen Budget Review Committee, Portland Public Schools Principal Interview Team, Woodstock Neighborhood Association Secretary

No matter how you say her name, Eilidh is GREAT for Portland students.

Eilidh is an experienced community advocate running for Portland Public Board of Education because she believes that all students deserve to be successful.

If elected, Eilidh will:

Make our schools more equitable for all students: Eilidh will disrupt systems of inequality in our schools and craft policies that center diverse perspectives.

Promote Arts Education for All: As a long time arts advocate, Eilidh will make sure that all students have the opportunity to explore their creativity.

Advocate for Adequate Funding: Eilidh will work with our statewide elected officials to make sure that all of our schools have the resources they need to thrive.

“Eilidh will help formulate and implement policies that will benefit every student.”-Roger Kirchner, Parent Teacher Association member and volunteer

“Eilidh is a longtime dedicated community member and parent with the experience needed to put our schools on the right track.”-Sharon Meieran, Multnomah County Commissioner

Also endorsed by:
Portland Association of Teachers PAC
Lolenzo Poe, Former PPS Chief Equity Officer
NARAL ProChoice Oregon PAC
Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon
Governor Barbara Roberts
State Representative Janelle Bynum
Stand for Children

And these former PPS Board Members: David Wynde, Carol Turner, Ruth Adkins, Pam Knowles, Stephen Griffith, Doug Capps, Bill Scott, Karla Wenzel

For additional information, visit www.eilidhpdx.com

(This information furnished by Eilidh Lowery for Board of Education.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023