Director, Position 5

Photo of Yesenia Delgado
Yesenia Delgado

Occupation: Housing and Community Development Manager, El Programa Hispano Catolico

Occupational Background: Program Manager, Financial Coach, Housing Counselor, Life Skills Coach, College Mentor, School Instructor, Community Organizer, SUN Support Program Assistant

Educational Background: BA Human Development: Warner Pacific University

Prior Governmental Experience: Reynolds School Board, Position 5 (2017-Present)

Community Involvement: A Home For Everyone Coordinating Board Member, Rockwood Initiative; Founding Member, Oregon NOW; Board Secretary

As a proud alumna of the Reynolds School District, I know first-hand what a dedicated and hardworking district we have. I am running to ensure that all students, regardless of their income, background and zip code experience an education that will prepare them for a world yet to be imagined. I believe that in order to prepare our students to meet the quickly evolving economic demands of the 21st century, it will require a community-centered, holistic and unconventional approach to education.

During my time serving on the Reynolds School board I have supported policies that center around our most vulnerable students, listened to the expertise of the district staff and encouraged innovative practices.

As a Board Member, I will advocate for:

  • Equitable education for all students
  • Well-being and Safety of students, their families and education professionals
  • Sustainable fiscal management for our district
  • 21st Century Education

¡Como Latina abogare para todas las comunidades del distrito escolar, para que juntos logremos el éxito!

Proudly Standing with Yesenia:
State Representatives Janelle Bynum, Diego Hernandez, Christopher Gorsek, Carla Piluso
Portland Community College Board Member Valdez Bravo
Gresham City Councilor Eddy Morales, Mario Palmero
Multnomah County Commissioner Lori Stegmann
Oregon State Senator Shemia Fagan
Wood Village Mayor Scott Harden
Troutdale Councilor Randy Lauer
Oregon Working Families Party
East County Rising

(This information furnished by Yesenia Delgado.)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023