Commissioner, Position 4

Occupation: Engineering Faculty (full time), Portland Community College (2004-Present); Water Resources Consultant
Occupational Background: Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) Commissioner; Water Resources Consultant; Environmental Science & Engineering Researcher & Faculty, Oregon Graduate Institute; Assistant Project Engineer, Water Resources
Educational Background: Michigan State University, Civil Engineering, BS; University of Delaware, Coastal Physical Oceanography, MS; University of Delaware, Coastal Physical Oceanography, PhD
Prior Governmental Experience: Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) Budget Committee (2008-2018); State of Oregon Science, Technology, Engineering and Science (STEM) Council
As a resident of the Tualatin Valley Water District for 19 years, a member of the TVWD Budget Committee for 10 years, and an incumbent member of the TVWD Board of Commissioners my goal is to serve fellow ratepayers by focusing on these issues: delivering high-quality water at an affordable rate, providing a sustainable water supply, and building and maintaining a resilient water delivery system. First, I am committed to making decisions that provide affordable water to ratepayers by being a proponent for cost-conscious decision making by the Board of Commissioners. Second, I will focus on sustaining our water resources by advocating for water conservation principles and technologies and for having multiple water supply sources. With the uncertainty of a changing climate, sustainability through conservation and redundancy may be more important than ever. Third, I will commit to be a voice on the Board of Commissioners that supports a resilient water delivery system. The delivery system must return to normal as fast as possible in the event of a disruption.
The TVWD region of today is increasing in population and predicted to continue to increase. With growing residential and industrial demand, it is important that our water supply be affordable, sustainable and dependable. If elected I will continue, in my role on the Board of Commissioners, to champion these issues on behalf of all ratepayers.
(This information furnished by Todd Sanders.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.