Commissioner, Position 5

Occupation: Retired Civil Engineer, now community volunteer including almost two decades as Commissioner of the Tualatin Valley Water District.
Occupational Background: Four decades of professional water engineering experience in the public and private sectors. More than a quarter century with the Portland Water Bureau including nearly a decade as Chief Engineer.
Educational Background: University of California at Los Angeles, Engineering, BS Engineering (Cum Laude); California State University, Long Beach, Civil Engineering, MS Civil Engineering
Prior Governmental Experience: Past member Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission, Oregon Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying, and Washington County Education Service District (now NW Regional Educational Service District).
Jim and his family have enjoyed the benefits of living in the TVWD service area for nearly 44 years. In 2002, Jim retired from an engineering career with the Portland Water Bureau. Among his responsibilities was the supervision of the award winning residential and commercial water conservation programs and protecting water systems against disruption by natural and human caused events. Jim was "Oregon's Government Engineer of the Year" for 2001. In 2013, he was awarded the American Water Works Association Distinguished Public Service Award.
Jim knows that over the next four years TVWD will face critical decisions such as:
- Water Quality---It is necessary for TVWD to review the existing and proposed water quality standards set by the EPA and the Oregon Health Division to see if they provide sufficient protection for the district's patrons, especially young children. If not then TVWD must set its own superior standards.
- Water Quantity---Intelligent water conservation is the key to ensuring a secure cost-effective future supply.
- Water Supply---Jim will use his extensive engineering background to make sure that the public continues to receive excellent value for its money.
- Affordable Water---Jim will use his 40 plus years in engineering and the work of TVWD's Rate Advisory Board to help TVWD keep rates affordable.
For all of these reasons, reelect Jim Doane to the TVWD Board.
(This information furnished by Jim Doane.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.