Director, Position 4

Occupation: Retired Firefighter/Paramedic
Occupational Background: American Medical Response Advanced Life Support Ambulance: Lead Paramedic; Paramedic Preceptor 1978-1994; Washington County Fire District #2: Volunteer Firefighter/Paramedic/Lieutenant 1990-1999; Canby Fire District #62: Firefighter/Engineer/ Paramedic: 1994-1998; Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue: Firefighter/Engineer/Paramedic; Field Training Officer: 1998-2015
Educational Background: All Oregon Certified EMT-1 (Basic); EMT-2 (IV technician); EMT-3 (Cardiac technician); EMT-4 (Paramedic); Firefighter-1
Prior Governmental Experience: Board member, position #5 Washington County Fire District #2 July 2015 - June 2017
My vision:
To use my thirty plus years of experience in firefighting and emergency medical services in direction and support for the progressive, efficient and forward-thinking mission of TVF&R. To be part of the team with the fire board, the administration, the line firefighters and support personnel. These amazing professionals continue to provide the very best in EMS, firefighting, prevention, education and community service to the public they protect.
What I bring:
37 years as a professional firefighter, paramedic, volunteer firefighter, apparatus operator, paramedic preceptor, field training officer. An urban, suburban, rural and wildland interface perspective having responded to 911 emergencies in all four environments. I have a reputation for a calm, objective and common-sense approach to finding solutions in times of crisis.
I understand what makes a great fire district work. I can bring insight and a critical eye informed by my operational and policy level experience.
The following community leaders support my candidacy for the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Board of Directors:
Brian Smith, Tualatin Valley Firefighters Union IAFF Local 1660
(This information furnished by Bob Satterwhite.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.Director, Position 4

Occupation: Regional Director, American Medical Response (AMR); Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Board of Directors Position #4, 2011-present
Occupational Background: Buck Medical Services/American Medical Response 1981-present as Paramedic, trainer, and manager. U.S. Coast Guard for 32 years, Retired Master Chief
Educational Background: OHSU, Advanced Paramedic Training; Portland State University.
Prior Governmental Experience: TVF&R Budget Committee, 2010-2011.
For eight years, I’m proud to have volunteered on the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Board of Directors, and I’d be honored to keep serving you!
As your neighbor, my goal is ensuring when you’re in a crisis, or your loved one needs an immediate response, TVF&R is there with fast, effective service. I’ve worked to keep our low tax rate, without sacrificing service quality. As a former paramedic, I know it’s critical to have highly-trained first responders with modern equipment to keep our community safe.
“Nearly 80% of the emergencies TVF&R responds to are medical in nature. As the only Paramedic on TVF&R’s Board, Randy’s decades-long experience and decision-making skills directly impact my ability to respond to a patient in urgent need of care. - Shelly Hochstetler, Paramedic
Working collaboratively with government officials, healthcare providers, and community leaders, I’ve helped TVF&R be a leader in delivering emergency medical services. I use my skills as a former first responder to support our Fire Chief and protect firefighters on the front line. I use my business experience to effectively manage our tax dollars.
"During his time volunteering on the board, Randy’s worked to keep TVF&R's tax rate low. By implementing policies promoting economies-of-scale and increased efficiencies, TVF&R maintains high quality, affordable services to district residents.” - Andy Duyck, Former Washington County Commission Chair
Proudly Endorsed By:
Lou Ogden, Former Tualatin Mayor
Ben West, Wilsonville City Councilor
Mary Starrett, Yamhill County Commissioner
Mark Meek, State Representative
Paul Savas, Clackamas County Commissioner
Thomas Joseph, Clackamas Fire Board
Alec Jensen, Retired TVF&R Executive Officer
Teamsters Local-223
(This information furnished by Randy Lauer.)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.