Commissioner, Position 1

Picture of Carmen Rubio
Carmen Rubio

Occupation: Executive Director, Latino Network

Occupational Background: Senior Policy Advisor, Commissioner Nick Fish; Director of Community Affairs, Mayor Tom Potter; Policy Advisor, County Commissioner Serena Cruz

Educational Background: University of Oregon, BA

Prior Governmental Experience: Commissioner, Higher Education Coordinating Commission; Portland Community Investment Fund Advisory Board; Portland Housing Advisory Commission

“I’ve worked with Carmen for years on issues ranging from criminal justice to education and immigrant rights. Carmen is the hardworking, collaborative leader our city needs.” -Senator Ron Wyden

Safe, Stable Housing for All. Leaders at every level of government must work together on the number one challenge: our housing shortage and homelessness crisis.

  • We should deploy our bond dollars to build more affordable housing now.
  • We need reasonable eviction protections and more rent assistance to prevent homelessness in the first place.
  • We need supportive housing with mental health, addiction treatment, and other services for the chronically homeless.

Climate Action Now. Portlanders want more to be done to fight climate change and our investments must reflect that. Our dollars must fund sustainable practices, create demand for renewable energy, and preserve and grow parks and other green spaces.

Invest in Every Corner of Portland. Investments in our workforce, roads, sidewalks, and buses can’t just be about downtown. I will always fight for the parts of our city that have been underserved, like east of 82nd and outer NE Portland.

A More Representative Government. I will work to change Portland’s form of government so when you look at City Council, you see your neighborhood and your community reflected back at you.

Proudly endorsed by:
Senator Ron Wyden
Congressman Earl Blumenauer
Governor Barbara Roberts
Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury
Portland Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
Gresham Councilor Eddy Morales
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
Community Alliance of Tenants Action Fund
Portland Association of Teachers
Northwest Oregon Labor Council
AFSCME Local 189
UFCW Local 555
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC Greenlight

Full list:

(This information furnished by Carmen for Portland)

Commissioner, Position 1

Picture of Isham (Ike) Harris
Isham (Ike) Harris

Occupation: Pastor, School Bus Driver

Occupational Background: U.S. Navy; Letter Carrier, U. S. Postal Service; Prison Ministry, Sheridan Federal Prison

Educational Background: Carter High School, Brandon, Mississippi; Portland Community College

Prior Governmental Experience: None

As City Commissioner, Isham plans to:

  1. Support the City Club plan to restructure Portland City Government, from Mayor Commissioner to multimember districts with a City Manager.
  2. Engage big business and big tech in the transformation of empty buildings to centers of hope for Portland homeless population, using the Wapato Prison as a model I applaud the recent transformation from a prison to the “Bybee Lake Hope Center.”
  3. Clean-up all garbage from our streets.
  4. Collaborate at federal, state and local governments to find solutions for the homeless youth crisis.
  5. Make every effort to clean up Portland dirty air, According to national air toxics assessment Portland airshed is bursting with a toxic stew consisting of dozens of heavy metals and toxic compounds.
  6. Engage the City of Portland in race talks with the intent of revisiting Portland racist history then moving forward with equitable outcomes.
  7. Encourage the building of a new bridge from Washington to Oregon before 2025, Portland is the 10 fastest growing metropolitan area in the U.S.
  8. Engage community, parents, students, law enforcement with discussions on how to encourage graduation on time.
  9. Strengthen the neighborhood associations by encouraging more participation from people of color.

Heavenly Father deliver our nation, the world and Portland in particular from the conronavirus pandemic, give faith and sweet consolation to each of our citizens, deliver your people from fear and despair in Christ Jesus name Amen.

Psalms 127:1. Without the help of the Lord it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.

(This information furnished by Committee to elect Isham Harris to City Council Position 1)

Commissioner, Position 1

Photo of Alicia McCarthy
Alicia McCarthy

Occupation: Naturopathic Physician

Occupational Background: Primary Care Naturopathic Physician; Emergency Department Technician; Ambulance Operator; Surgical Recovery Technician

Educational Background: National University of Natural Medicine, Doctorate of

Naturopathic Medicine; California State University of Fullerton, Kinesiology, B.S.

Prior Governmental Experience: Naturopathic Medical Student Association; Federal Advocacy Campaign for American Academy of Naturopathic Physicians

Alicia McCarthy is NOT a politician, and she would NOT label herself as an activist either. She is, however, someone who deeply cares about our community and everyone in it. She is a small business owner, a working professional, and a proud mother. Alicia recognizes a need in our local government for a voice of common sense. Portland needs a voice that can be sensitive and considerate of all arguments, but is dedicated to the health and development of our growing city. As a primary care physician she makes critical decisions daily and is ready to bring this experience to city government.

Portland has experienced incredible growth over the last ten years. Our population has increased with nearly 7,000 residents every year since 2010. During this exciting period of growth, we must focus on a “Back to Basics” approach to local government; in order to maintain a balanced society. Alicia is a common sense candidate that will focus on the fundamental needs that create a balanced and vibrant community for all.


Government: Restructure local government to include a city manager and representatives from multiple districts.
Transportation: Lower carbon emissions through incentive and innovation not penalties.
Education: “All In” approach for our future generations. Infrastructure: Invest in a robust infrastructure that will support a growing community.

Common sense candidate with a back to basics approach. Here to move Portland forward.
-Alicia McCarthy

(This information furnished by Alicia McCarthy)

Commissioner, Position 1

Photo of Mary Ann Schwab
Mary Ann Schwab

Occupation: Retired High School Secretary

Occupational Background: Volunteer Community Advocate; Recognized by Mayor Bud Clark, Spirit of Southeast Portland Award; Multnomah County Chair, Ted Wheeler, The Gladys McCoy Lifetime Achievement Award; Mayor Sam Adams, Spirit of Portland Award shared with WA-MO Advisory Committee; Commissioner Amanda Fritz, Spirit of Portland Award – Dare to Dream too!

Educational Background: Marylhurst University

Prior Governmental Experience: Elected Chair, Inner- Southeast Coalition 1978; Sunnyside Neighborhood Association; Southeast Uplift Board of Directors, Served on Advisory Committees;, Spearheaded Self-Help Grants, SES Playground, Belmont ADA ramp/front door, Benson Bubbler


SE Portland resident since 1971, deeply involved in local politics and issues that affected the community. I cannot remain silent and watch things happen that do not benefit city residents, the common good and the environment. Your vote will enable me to tackle the following issues:

I support changing our commission form of government to a geographical representation based on the League of Women Voters’ study: The City That Works: Preparing Portland for the Future, September 2019.

I support maintaining city properties for the benefit of current and future Portlanders. These common lands include parks, community centers, water resources, school campuses, and other properties purchased with taxpayer dollars.

I will work to give Portland residents a framework for making their voices heard. My approach will focus on grass-roots representation by geographic district.

Developers with deep pockets have more influence over City Council land use decisions than do neighborhood people. I will work to ensure a level playing field for residents at the local level.

I support all modes having an equitable voice in transportation planning. As Portland grows, having a good transportation strategy for the movement of people and goods is vital.


(This information furnished by Mary Ann Schwab)

Commissioner, Position 1

Picture of Timothy DuBois
Timothy DuBois

Occupation: Lead Carpenter; Urban planner

Occupational Background: Woodworker

Educational Background: Masters of Urban and Regional Planning (June 2020), PSU.

Prior Governmental Experience: SMILE neighborhood association Board member

Prior Volunteer Experience: Portland Clean Air Board member

”DuBois stood out for [his]… pragmatic approach to land use, housing, and transportation” Roger Valdez, Forbes 3/11/2020


Tim fears for the effect industrial pollution has on his sons, works hard to create solutions for affordable housing, and advocates for parks. He is a student of urban planning who stands for fiscal responsibility and common-sense change.

“I worked with Tim on a major construction project, and found he is able to coordinate scheduling, maintain a budget, and do the work necessary to get the job completed properly and on time” Michael Church, Michael Church Homes


Every Portlander is or knows someone who struggles to make ends meet. With so many teetering on the brink of homelessness during calm times, any disaster can spiral families out of a home. The lack of affordable housing is more than a humanitarian crisis, it is an economic crisis for the city. Portland must support builders to expand affordable housing. As a City Council member, Tim will reduce red tape and prioritize providing quality, affordable housing for all Portlanders.


Tim sees the benefit of public green spaces. His ideas to create additional revenue streams can be used to revitalize aging structures and facilities, and to keep open beloved family hangouts, like Columbia Pool.

“Tim was always fully engaged with our discussions and demonstrated a genuine open-mindedness even when varying perspectives were presented. His creativity, common sense and understanding...will serve him well in the Portland City Council” Nicolai Kruger, Nicolai Kruger Studio



Portland Clean Air

Oregon Progressive Party

Yoshie Yager, Yager Media

Jay Lane, Jack of the Woods

Darrin Amico, Amico Group

(This information furnished by Committee to Elect Tim DuBois)

Commissioner, Position 1

Picture of Cullis James McCarthy
Cullis (James) Autry

Occupation: Self-Employed

Occupational Background: Hospitality & Event Management; Broadcasting; Chamber of Commerce & Non- Profit Management; Teaching; Coaching & Consulting

Educational Background: BBA in Marketing Management from Belmont University

Prior Governmental Experience: High School & College

I love Portland!!! I’m a Community Collaborator with a Passion to Serve YOU!! I’ve been serving faith, business & government leaders for the past 40+ years. My family immigrated from France in 1680's and migrated to south

Georgia, where I grew up from 1960-80's and we were very intentional to have friends from different backgrounds. I was the first grandson to attend college and my Dad cut down pine trees to fund my education in Nashville. After learning service in the hotel industry, I moved to southern California, then Colorado Springs & then to northern California, where

I met my wife, who grew up in Vancouver, WA. We moved to Portland in 1996 to start our family and live the American Dream, which turned into the American Nightmare, as we filed for bankruptcy in 2009, lost our house and have several children in Heaven. Over the past 10 years, we’ve been rebuilding our lives with no credit lines, wherein I own a small business and have been serving the city by connecting leaders to work together, build bridges and better our communities for everyone, via our public charity, Serving Our Neighbors. In 2013, we began serving Portland's Sister City Associations and in 2015, I was knighted as a Royal Rosarian, "The Official Ambassadors of the City of Portland." In 2016, we launched the Emergency Preparedness Leadership Forum to bring government, business & faith leaders together to know, like & trust each other, before a

disaster. In 2017, we began working with BESThq, a regional business collaborative community, focusing on Relationship, Empowerment & Inclusion and also began collaborating with leaders to use the Wapato Jail as the new Bybee Lakes Hope Center to help the unsheltered transition back into our community. Learn more at

(This information furnished by Cullis James Autry for Portland City Council)

Commissioner, Position 1

Picture of Candace Avalos
Candace Avalos

Occupation: Administrator / Student Government Advisor, Portland State University

Occupational Background: Educator

Educational Background: James Madison University, B.A. Modern Foreign Languages; M.Ed. Higher Education Administration

Prior Governmental Experience: Acting Chair, Citizen Review Committee; Multnomah County Democrats Precinct Committeeperson HD45

A New Generation of Leadership
As a first generation “Blacktina”, daughter of Guatemalan immigrants and African Americans from the South, my values about democracy are rooted in the experiences of my multiracial family. I represent a generation that feels left behind by our economy and left out of the conversation. I have built my career on strategic, compassionate leadership, and I’m ready to bring a fresh perspective to City Hall.

A Functional Government is Possible
Portland used to think of itself as a big small town, but now we have big city problems. We need elected officials to represent the communities they live in, not just the bureaus they oversee. We must finally end our dysfunctional form of government.

Addressing Houselessness is Possible
Today “affordable housing” is not affordable at all, and we can’t build it fast enough. We must work across bureaus to sweep away the regulations that create barriers to affordability, and ensure that we have a robust, well-funded rental assistance program. Our houseless community needs essential services like water and sanitation immediately. We must increase frontline services with street-based case management systems to help those in crisis get the support they need now.

Police Accountability is Possible
As acting chair of a police accountability board for the city, I know we ask our understaffed police bureau to do the tough job of keeping us safe, but there is no excuse for the broken systems that do not hold problem officers accountable. It’s time to rebuild trust between the people of this city and the officers sworn to protect them.

Progressive Values. Pragmatic Leadership.

A Better Portland is Possible

See our growing list of endorsements and supporters at

(This information furnished by Friends of Candace Avalos)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023