Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Dan Ryan
Dan Ryan

Occupation: Candidate

Occupational Background: CEO, All Hands Raised; 30 Years of Leadership in non-profits: Education, arts, healthcare and youth advocacy.

Educational Background: University of Oregon, Degree; Roosevelt High School, Diploma

Prior Governmental Experience: Member, Portland School Board 2005 - 2008

Our city was in crisis before this pandemic and now we can’t hide it.

It is time to come together and rebuild our city and make it one that works. Most voters were already upset with the

lack of progress prior to the pandemic on critical crises like housing, homeless and transportation.

As the Chair of the Portland School Board and later as CEO of All Hands Raised, I brought people together to tackle big challenges like our abysmal high school graduation rates.

Working together, we increased graduation rates 11.5% and for students of color, we accelerated the results, 15.5%.

Thousands of Portland youth now have a brighter future!

“I’ve known Dan for more than a decade. He always has kept North Portland front and center in his work. Dan is glue, he brings people together. Our city will be in good hands with Dan’s seasoned leadership,” House Speaker Tina Kotek

“We need leadership! Dan knows how to build the bridges between the private and public sectors. Dan is the right fit at the right time to help us innovate out of this crisis.” Duncan Campbell, Founder Friends of the Children

“Dan leads with inclusion and inspiration. I’ve been on many boards, yet never with a CEO with the ability to align us and play to our strengths. He is an elegant, humble and driven leader!” Karis Stoudamire-Phillips, Director of Corporate Responsibility

As a gay man living with HIV since 1986, I have been fighting the status quo my entire career. If you think our city is well run, vote for one of my opponents, who have been in charge here the last 20 years. If you believe now, like never before merits change, I ask for your vote.

(This information furnished by Dan Ryan)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Margot Black
Margot Black

Occupation: Co-Chair Portland Tenants United; Community Organizer

Occupational Background: College Mathematics Instructor; Director, Symbolic & Quantitative Resource Center, Lewis & Clark College

Educational Background: University of Oregon, M.A. Mathematics

Prior Governmental Experience: Commissioner, Portland Rental Services Commission

In a moment of historic crisis, we need courageous and empathetic leaders who will fight for the change we need.

I am a single mother, Democratic Socialist, community organizer, a fierce and effective policy advocate, and a creative problem solver with a 15-year career teaching college mathematics.

We need systems that keep people from falling through the cracks.

I was born into the foster care system and raised by my grandmother. I became a mother at 19. Six months later, I experienced the destabilizing trauma of a no-cause eviction.

When Portland’s housing crisis reached a fever pitch in 2015, I co founded Portland Tenants United and was the architect of Portland’s historic Renter Relocation Assistance Ordinance in 2017, which effectively ended an epidemic of building wide evictions and price gouging for renters, and is now being replicated in cities across the U.S.

The Movement Candidate.

I have a proven track record of standing up to establishment special interests to get results.

I’m endorsed by Our Revolution, Bernie Sanders’ grassroots political organization, and have funded a strong campaign primarily through small donations from poor and working class Portlanders.

A Brighter Future.

Since the Coronavirus outbreak, I’ve led by successfully organizing to halt evictions across the state and leveraged my campaign to push for comprehensive relief from the economic fallout.

To help guide us through this crisis, I will be a powerful voice for economic recovery that prioritizes the people and planet over profit. I will fight for real rent control, a Green New

Deal, universal childcare, taxing vacant apartments in order to house the houseless, and taxing the rich to fund parks, transportation and develop a robust social safety net.

Our Revolution
Visit for a complete list.

(This information furnished by Margot Black)

Commissioner, Position 2

Picture of Tera Hurst
Tera Hurst

Occupation: Renew Oregon, Executive Director

Occupational Background: Deputy/Chief of Staff, Portland Mayor Charlie Hales; Chief of Staff, Oregon Legislature; Community Organizer, Basic Rights Oregon; Sales Manager, Auto Dealership

Educational Background: Bachelors Social Work, PSU

Prior Governmental Experience: N/A

Community Service: Red Cross (Katrina shelter), CASA, Sunnyside K-8, Oregon Food Bank

Dear Voter: As a single parent working full time, I know the struggle of stretching a paycheck to pay bills and provide for my child. a supportive community and services can change your life, because they did for me– now 23 years sober. I hope to earn your vote. –Tera

Tera Hurst: Climate champion. Problem solver. Bold leader.

Crisis Response: COVID-19 has exposed major holes in our safety net. Tera’s plan will ensure we’re building back stronger, helping workers get jobs, and helping small businesses open again. See the plan:

Housing and Affordability: Thousands of people live on our streets and even more are getting pushed out of the city. This is unacceptable. Tera will:

  • Extend moratorium on evictions and foreclosures
  • Invest in more affordable and supportive housing units
  • Expand rent vouchers for families and seniors helping them keep their homes

“Tera is focused on a more equitable and secure future for those who need it most.” Oregon House Speaker, Tina Kotek

Climate Crisis: Tera led Oregon’s most sweeping climate action yet. Now, Portland needs a Green New Deal – creating thousands of jobs that protect us better from global warming.

“Tera is a hero in our movement to tackle climate change. She is exactly the leader we need in City Hall.” —Doug Moore, Executive Director, Oregon League of Conservation Voters

Tera Hurst for Portland City Commission. Endorsements include:
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC Greenlight Oregon Recovers PAC
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon(APANO)
Antoinette Edwards, Former Director, Office of Youth Violence Prevention
Former Mayor Charlie Hales
Reyna Lopez, Oregon’s Farmworkers Union
Multnomah Commissioner Jessica Vega Pederson
State Senator Kathleen Taylor
(partial list)

(This information furnished by Tera for PDX)

Commissioner, Position 2

Picture of Aquiles Montas
Aquiles Montas

Occupation: Family Engagement/Resource Administrator, Portland Metropolitan Family Services.

Occupational Background: Providing support to two elementary after school programs, providing services to families of low-income diverse populations.

Educational Background: Portland Community College, 2002, Certificate in Small Business Management; Portland State University,1984, Bachelors in Business Administration Marketing; Grant High School, 1980, High School Diploma

Prior Governmental Experience: Portland Public Schools Parenting Services (Teen Parents) Mentor/Counselor; Portland Public Schools Finance-Purchasing and Print Shop Departments

Private Work Experience:
Finance, Budgets, Purchasing, Human Resources, Community Outreach, Education, Executive Director, Music

Aquiles Montas: Proven Leadership with Today’s Priorities


  • Raised funds for Help is on the Way for Puerto Rico and Venezuela and participated in helping raise funds for cancer and other nonprofit organizations
  • Collaborated to convinced the Portland Methodist Church to Save the Building on NE Dekum & 15th from being sold to developers
  • Awarded Employee of the Month by PPS Superintendent 1989 and Employee of the Year PPS Police Chief 1987
  • Launched Own a Latin Orchestra and Owned and Operated the First Caribbean Dominican-Cuban-Puertorican Restaurant/ Nightclub

I also serve as a Volunteer interpreter for Multnomah County Baltazar Ortiz Clinic in the Cully Neighborhood, for Portland Public Schools, Portland Guadalajara Mexico Sister City and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

I am a 43 year North Portland resident, married (36 years), 3 children, 3 grandkids. An Administrator that will deliver results of the current crisis. It’s time to have an experienced manager with my work experience to bring back the city government to take care of their responsibilities and prioritize to fix today’s needs.

(This information furnished by Aquiles Montas)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Loretta Smith
Loretta Smith

Occupation: Small Business Owner, Community Affairs

Occupational Background: Multnomah County Outreach Director, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden

Educational Background: O.S.U., B.A. Communications

Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah County Commissioner 2011-2018

Loretta’s Progressive Track Record:

  • Championed $15/hr minimum wage for Multnomah County employees
  • Secured affordable housing for people experiencing mental health crisis and addiction
  • Created 2,000+ summer jobs for vulnerable youth
  • Developed policy declaring pedestrian safety a public health issue
  • Secured Cully Park construction funding

“Loretta is a passionate advocate and a tough fighter. She has been a true partner, winning hard battles for Portlanders by always helping those left out and left behind in our community.” U.S. Senator Ron Wyden

“Loretta accomplished something that had never been done before– leading community based organizations of color to secure over $30 million for new anti-poverty programs and services for underserved children and families.” Tony Hopson, Self Enhancement Inc. (SEI)

A City That Works For Everyone!

Loretta has the experience and vision to tackle Portland’s biggest issues:

  • Moving homeless people off the streets, into housing and connecting them to supportive services
  • Building housing that is affordable for Portlanders in every zip code
  • Fighting traffic congestion and climate change through equitable investments in sidewalks, public transit, and transportation
  • Creating jobs that provide housing wages and strong worker protections

“Loretta’s the progressive champion we need to ensure that investments to fight climate change provide resources for all Portlanders.” Oregon State Senator Lew Frederick

“Loretta is the progressive voice we need to ensure Portland becomes affordable to live and work in again.” Oregon State Representative Janelle Bynum

(Partial List)
Former State Senators Avel Gordly & Margaret Carter
United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local #555
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC Greenlight
Clackamas County Commissioner Ken Humbertson
Human Trafficking Advocate Wynne Wakkila
Robert Phillips, Former Portland NAACP President

Find out why nurses, teachers, and working Portlanders support Loretta at www. votelorettasmith .com

(This information furnished by Committee to Elect Loretta Smith)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Ryan A Farmer
Ryan A Farmer

Occupation: Attorney/ Candidate

Occupational Background: Software Developer (web development, database development, decisioning software); Attorney (civil litigation, patent prosecution).

Educational Background: Lewis & Clark Law School, J.D., specialization in Intellectual Property; Southern Methodist University, B.S. Computer Science, B.A. Applied Mathematics.

Prior Governmental Experience: RPCV, Peace Corps Albania, Burrel Municipality (two years).

Portland, we can do more!

Our city has stalled. As our city has grown, it has become increasingly unlivable. Small changes will not solve our biggest problems: unaffordable housing, inefficient transportation, and the homelessness epidemic. We must have the vision and the will to make fundamental changes.

We can do more...

… to make renting affordable by scaling rent to income.
A landlord can always choose to not be a landlord, but a tenant can never choose to not be a tenant. This imbalance can be corrected by making rent a percentage of the market value of the rental equal to the percentage of the median income the tenant earns.

… to make transportation efficient, clean, affordable, and safe by separating vehicle types across different roads and making public transit fareless.
Our roads have reached their capacity for drivers. We must look to other modes of transportation to efficiently move around the city. By dedicating our local roads to small personal vehicles and fareless public transit, we increase the capacity of such roads, allowing for more people to move around the city more quickly and efficiently, while maintaining thoroughfares for large vehicles.

… to ease the burden of homelessness by identifying safe zones for our homeless residents.
The city cannot solve homelessness because it stems from fundamental problems across all of society. The city must focus on balancing the presence of homeless residents with our businesses and other residents, while advocating to the Governor and Legislature to address the causes of homelessness.

Fair Housing, Fareless Transit
I am going to work to do more, and I hope you will join me. THANK YOU for voting!

(This information furnished by Ryan A. Farmer)

Commissioner, Position 2

Picture of Walter Wesley
Walter Wesley

Occupation: Distributer of Medical Grade Filtration/ Alkalizing/ionization Home Drinking Water Systems

Occupational Background: Testing of and demonstrations of water Chlorine levels and Oxidation/ Anti-oxidation levels

Educational Background: Batchelor of Science Degree; General Science; Portland State University

Prior Governmental Experience: None

Walter Wesley For Portland City Commissioner Position 2 On behalf of all the Candidates and myself, I express my

deepest condolences and sympathies to the brave victims and their families afflicted by the sickness and hardship caused by the Corona virus.

I heard a Songbird singing, I heard a woodpecker knocking. May this always be so.



My Vision is to Restore Wildflowers, Restore meadows, Restore falling Bee populations.

It’s not news - Should Pollinators disappear from earth, we ourselves will not have long to live. This is in great danger of happening..

We need to live with nature or We will not live at all. Please feel free to Reach out to me at And let’s organize, share ideas, plan together to invite Mother Nature back to our yards, our beloved City. And lead by example.

Come May 19th Remember the name: Walter Wesley

(This information furnished by Walter Wesley)

Commissioner, Position 2

Picture of Terry Parker
Terry Parker

Occupation: Retired

Occupational Background: Customer Relationship Manager; National Account Rep (Yellow Pages); supply center management

Educational Background: Madison HS Portland; PCC

Prior Governmental Experience: Neighborhood Association Board Member; 82nd Avenue CAC 2017; Banfield Transitway CAC (Chair) 1970s

REPRESENTATION: Self-sufficient working class families with modest incomes and senior citizens on fixed incomes are having more and more of those incomes reduced with new and increased taxes. Their voices need to be heard at City Hall.

TRANSPORTATION: The city needs to stop removing and narrowing full service travel lanes on major streets thereby increasing congestion, fuel consumption and emissions. To make transit work better, entire streets need to flow better. Enhanced street lighting and crosswalks must be a safety priority. PBOT advisory committees must become inclusive of taxpaying motorist representation.

RESIDENTIAL INFILL (RIP): Per HB2001 and the Portland Comprehensive Plan, higher densities are allowed in town centers and along corridors. Duplexes, triplexes and quadplexes are allowed in single family home neighborhoods. Increasing density will target demolishing the most affordable homes. New construction almost always costs more. The greenest buildings are the ones already built. Pilot projects to identify affordability and impacts need to take place in neighborhoods that want more density. Higher densities citywide should be reconsidered. Adequate off-street parking with charging connectivity for electric cars needs to be required with all new residential developments so streets don't become fulltime car storage lots.

CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: Portland's world renowned framework of Neighborhood Associations needs to be strengthened and expanded as per the 2016 Auditor's Report. This includes giving formal recognition to community and identity groups that abide by the same standards of non-discriminatory practices, accessible open meetings and maintaining transparent minutes. The Civic Life budget needs to be increased to cover the expansion.

HOMELESSNESS: Provide a hand up towards self-sufficiency instead of everlasting handouts, utilize existing infrastructure such as Wapato for programs that can demonstrate results, and compassionate enforcement so Portland's notoriety is not that of tents and trash.

The Common Sense Candidate

(This information furnished by Terry Parker)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Jeff Lang
Jeff Lang

Occupation: Risk Management Insurance Consultant

Occupational Background: Jeff started his business career as an apprentice at Lloyds of London. He returned to Portland and in 1980 started Gales Creek Insurance Services in the basement of his NE Portland home.Gales Creek specialized in insurance programs for Non-Profit organizations & the Entertainment Industry. Growing nationally capturing clients like Meals on Wheels, Presidential Campaigns, and performers like the Grateful Dead and Paul McCartney. Visionary Thinking Solving Problems with Action: Help Create Community Energy Project and Albina Opportunity Corp. Volunteer Board Service: Prior Co-Chair & Board member Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon, Chair Friends of Tryon Creek State Park

Educational Background: University of California at Berkley BS, American History focus on Urban History

Prior Governmental Experience: Combined Sewer Overflow Commission, Macadam Business Council, For Hire Transportation Commission, Past President of CTLH Neighborhood Association

  • Empower micro-lenders to create family business’s and create wealth in disenfranchised communities. Expand partnerships between Lenders, Unions and Community Colleges.
  • Support passage of Metro Tax measure to provide 10 year support focused on Homelessness
  • Use Private/Public partnerships to unleash power of private sector to bring down the costs of Affordable Housing
  • Convert Keller Auditorium to Community Art Center for visual, performance artists, housing art schools and art based non-profits
  • Convert the commission system of Governing, replace at large City Council with district representatives and combine City and Multnomah County government entities.
  • Build container refill systems and incentives Manufacturers to reuse consumer containers
  • Plant a million trees to increase Forest Canopy

“In my time on Council,I never knew anyone as passionate about solving problems in our community than Jeff Lang,” Lindberg says. “I and others encouraged him to run to bring that passion and practical activism to the City Council.”

Former Govenor Ted Kulongoski
Thomas Lauderdale, Pink Martini
Shobi Dahl, Co-Founder of Daves killer Bread
Mark Edlen, Gerding-Edlen
Commissioner Mike Lindberg
Hunter Noak, Pianist in a Landscape

(This information furnished by Jeff Lang)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Julia DeGraw
Julia DeGraw

Occupation: Nonprofit/Policy Consultant

Occupational Background: Nonprofit Executive Director

Educational Background: Environmental Studies & Sociology, B.S.

Prior Governmental Experience: Portland Honest Elections (campaign finance reform); Water Protection Measure, Hood River County.


“Julia’s policy expertise and her collaborative approach are key reasons why she has my endorsement.” -Jo Ann Hardesty, Portland City Commissioner

“Considering the public health crisis we’re facing, it’s more important than ever that we elect leaders like Julia, who have a proven commitment to working with impacted communities to solve problems; rethinking systems that perpetuate inequality; and taking action to support our public schools, workers, and public services.” -Suzanne Cohen, President, Portland Association of Teachers

Throughout my career, I’ve brought together diverse coalitions to create progressive change––including the victorious fight to stop Nestlé from bottling our public water!

My Bold, Community-Focused Vision:

  • Permanently affordable housing for low income residents and seniors on fixed incomes
  • Supportive housing for chronically houseless people struggling with mental health or addiction
  • More equitable distribution of transportation dollars
  • Increase investments in community centers so everyone can rely on vital services, like affordable childcare
  • Rebuild trust between police and residents and improve police accountability
  • Affordable municipal broadband internet for all
  • No corporate campaign cash
  • Support a strong, unionized, local workforce

Democratize City Council

Creating geographic City Council districts means we’d elect people who represent every part of our city––allowing elected officials to prioritize legislation and constituency services that benefit Portlanders, rather than the day-to-day management of bureaus. I will support a community-led process to address this systemic lack of representation.

Jo Ann Hardesty
, Portland City Commissioner
AFSCME Local 189, Portland Municipal Workers Portland Association of Teachers
PROTEC17, Professional & Technical Employees
The Street Trust Action Fund
Oregon Progressive Party
Portland Community College Faculty & Staff Unions
Sunrise Movement PDX, climate justice organization
Bill McKibben, Author, Educator & Activist
Bill Bradbury, former Oregon Secretary of State
Khanh Pham, Candidate, House District 46
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC (Greenlight)

(This information furnished by Elect Julia DeGraw)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of James (Jas) Davis
James (Jas) Davis

Occupation: Small business owner, Awakenings Wellness Center

Occupational Background: Owner, CASCADIA Communications; public affairs work involving communities in policy processes and helping small businesses reduce air pollution

Educational Background: MPS, Graduate School of Political Management (now at GW); BA, Seattle University

Prior Governmental Experience: Chair, Multnomah County Citizen Involvement Committee; oversaw community participation in county policy and budgeting processes; Legislative Aide to Senator Al Bauer

PERSONAL: Jas is a parent, a progressive and a small business owner who has developed wellness centers/health clinics in East Portland. He’s passionate about bringing greater health and well-being to our community


Equal Vote Coalition. Past Chair, Portland Friends School. Past volunteer with Southeast Uplift, KBOO Radio, Jobs with Justice. Organizer for universal health care, consent culture, and voting reform.

Jas works to help communities be healthier and happier and is committed to listening and making sure all voices are at the table.

Jas’ Vision for Portland in 2020... Let’s work to:

  • Strengthen Democracy with a larger, more diverse city council elected by districts using STAR Voting
  • Commit to Bold Climate Action Now with a focus on creating Local Food Resilience!
  • Put Housing First with more affordable and innovative housing strategies for the houseless and all Portlanders
  • Prioritize small businesses, co-ops and homebuyers with a Public Bank and Community-Benefit Financing
  • Dismantle White Supremacy & defend LGBTQ Rights
  • Implement a Happiness Index and focus on Public Well-Being approaches over failed punitive measures
  • Fully fund Public Parks, including a new in inner East Portland Community Center
  • RESIST the un-democratic agendas of the current Administration and large corporations - Let's start taking care of regular people instead of big corporations

For more info and short videos on these issues, go to

Our campaign is people-powered. NO Corporate money or PACs!

Together, We CAN create a more Resilient Portland that works for all of us!

(This information furnished by Portland 2020 Vision)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Jack Kerfoot
Jack Kerfoot

Occupation: Energy expert on national radio and TV

Occupational Background: Veteran, Scientist, Executive, Author

Educational Background: Oklahoma University, Educational Study – Major/ Minor: Geophysics, Diploma/ Degree/Certificate: BSc.; Penn State, Educational Study – Major/Minor: Executive Program

Prior Governmental Experience: None

EXPERIENCE – I began by working minimum wage jobs, served with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam, worked my way through university and built a career in the energy industry. My style is to listen and collaborate to solve problems. My success at reinvigorating companies makes me a sought-after specialist in turning around organizations.

Portland is heading in the wrong direction and needs a turn-around specialist for:

  • Homelessness – Our city isn’t coordinating the hundreds of nonprofits working to address homelessness in Portland. This is failed leadership of our city council.
  • Affordable Housing – Our city’s new fees and policies are dramatically increasing building costs and rental rates.
  • Safe Streets – Traffic fatalities are increasing. There are solutions that can save lives.
  • Environment – Portland’s Zenith Oil Terminal is an impending environmental catastrophe.
  • Neighborhood Associations – We need commissioners that will listen and collaborate with our neighborhood associations.
  • Fiscal Responsibility – City projects are all too often over budget. Poorly planned multi-million-dollar bonds are causing property taxes to soar.
  • City Government – I support modernizing our city charter and also pledge to hold regular town hall meetings across our entire city to ensure your voice is heard.

SUPPORTERS – My supporters are retirees, students, blue collar workers and professionals that live all across our city, including:

  • Dmitriy Sashchenko – Small Business Owner
  • Dr. Don Baham – Television Producer
  • Valentina Cates – Nurse
  • Randy Dagel – Retired
  • Matt Haehlen – Dentist
  • Steve Holgate – Retired
  • Abbas Houshmand-Shafii – Retired
  • Dr. Michelle Kubota – Professor
  • Sheryl Landis – Administration PCC
  • Paul Lewandowski – Facilities PCC
  • Judy Low – Postal Employee
  • Ron Milligan – RE/MAX Select
  • David Potts – Member of the Lents Neighborhood Livability Association, President of East Side PSAC and President of the Furniture Doctor
  • Donald Shaw – Energy Advisor
  • Robert Stafford – Retired Teacher
  • Ron Stokes – Retired

Learn why people across our city are supporting me at

(This information furnished by Jack Kerfoot for Portland City Commissioner)

Commissioner, Position 2

Picture of Sam Chase
Sam Chase

Occupation: Metro Councilor

Occupational Background: Executive Director, Coalition of Community Health Clinics; affordable housing nonprofits

Educational Background: Claremont Colleges, Pitzer

Prior Governmental Experience: Chief of Staff, City Commissioner Nick Fish; Housing Advisor, Gretchen Kafoury

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Oregon League of Conservation Voters; Northwest District Association; Coalition for a Livable Future

Serious Leadership for Serious Times

With the coronavirus impacting all of us, Portland needs leaders with the experience to rebuild our economy, protect the vulnerable and those impacted by job loss, and sustain our long-term health and quality of life.

With your vote, I’ll apply my executive public health leadership and deep experience in homelessness and economic development to address long term needs and immediate challenges of the pandemic.

Strengthen Action on Housing and Homelessness

At Metro, I led regional efforts to expand housing and shelter. In Portland we must:

  • Fund best practices to get people into safe, stable housing.
  • Reduce cost and improve accountability to produce more affordable housing.
  • Create living wage jobs that keep people from slipping into poverty and housing insecurity.

As a teenager I lost my father to mental illness and drug addiction. I’m deeply committed to solutions that address conditions contributing to chronic homelessness.

A Healthy, Economically Vital, Inclusive Portland

I’ve built partnerships creating jobs and apprenticeship programs and delivered low income TRIMET fares. I’ve led Metro’s efforts to protect parks and nature. I’m fighting for living wage jobs for a sustainable city and economy:

  • Expand job programs for workers impacted by the pandemic.
  • Restore and sustain Portland Parks and Recreation, including pools, community centers, and recreation programs.
  • Win free Youth Transit Passes.
  • Invest in climate-smart congestion relief, pedestrian and bike safety, and earthquake-proof bridges.

We endorse Sam!

Governor Barbara Roberts Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury
Metro President Lynn Peterson
Metro Councilor Bob Stacey
Portland Clean Air
Teamsters #37
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
The Street Trust Action Fund
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC Greenlight

See more at

(This information furnished by Sam Chase for Portland)

Commissioner, Position 2

Picture of Ronault (Polo) Catalani
Ronault (Polo) Catalani

Occupation: Civil rights lawyer; immigrant integration consultant; journalist.

Occupational Background: Legislative children’s advocate; urban community developer; neighborhood activist; reporter and media commentator.

Educational Background: Howard University, RHS Community Lawyer Fellow; Willamette University, Law School; UO, College of Liberal Arts.

Prior Governmental Experience: City of Portland Public Involvement Advisory Council; New Portlander Policy Commission, staff; Oregon Department of Transportation, Minority and Women’s Enterprise; Oregon Children’s Services Division; Governor’s Children’s Agenda for the 1990s.

For 36 years, I’ve designed and advanced successful government/community partnerships.
Our collaborations combined the resources of responsive city, county, and state agencies, 26 vigorous ethnic minority communities, robust schools and businesses.
These partnerships delivered better shared neighborhoods, and better shared futures.


  • Housing, transportation, and greenspace planning integrated into an equitable, single regional strategy;
  • Local environmental stewardship during our global crisis;
  • Police accountability AND strong public support for our police officers;
  • Integrating all Portlanders into the life of our robust city.

From 2008 to 2018, I founded developed the City of Portland’s immigrant integration programs. During that decade, our community-led partnerships brought home 24 national, state, and local honors.
I will bring these demonstrated partnerships’ effectiveness to City governance


Tom Potter & Karin Hansen, Portland’s former Mayor and First Lady
Rev. Dr. Rodney Paige, Oregon’s international humanitarian
Kathleen D Saadat, Community Activist
Sho Dozono, Oregon transpacific business and civic leader
Jaime J Lim, Oregon transpacific business leader; newspaper publisher, former PCC board
Ruth Jensen (Tlingit), Portland political activist, Native American elder
David Barrios (Mescalero Apache), Urban Indian elder. Retired Portland Policing officer.
Wajdi Said, Oregon’s interfaith healer and unifier
Pastor JW Matt Hennessee, Senior servant of Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
Mary Nolan, Former ED Planned Parenthood PAC Oregon
Alberto Moreno, Former chair, Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs
Linda Nettekoven, Portland public engagement, land use and neighborhood activist
Michelle DePass, Member, Portland Public Schools Board
Linda Robinson, East Portland neighborhood greenspace activist
Chhabi Koirala, Founding president, Oregon Bhutanese Community Organization

(This information furnished by Polo for Portland Committee)

Commissioner, Position 2

Photo of Cynthia Castro
Cynthia Castro

Occupation: Analyst

Occupational Background: Senior Policy Advisor (Commissioner Amanda Fritz); Director (Charles Jordan Community Center); Teen Services Program (PP&R); Cross Country and Track Coach, (OSU)

Educational Background: Oregon State University, MA Public Health; Arizona State University, BA Anthropology, Minor Spanish, Summa Cum Laude

Prior Governmental Experience: See Occupational Background; and Community Health Researcher (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health Region X)

As City Commissioner, Cynthia will bring a reputation as a steadfast leader who works alongside the community to get things done.

Resiliency: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of stable housing, health care and other safety nets. Cynthia supports increasing the supply of affordable housing and permanent and supportive housing, policies and programs to keep people housed, Universal Basic Income, and greater support for small businesses and creative communities.

Livability: No matter where you live in Portland, Cynthia knows you deserve equitable service from your local government, including sidewalks, parks, clean air, and clean water.

Sustainable Portland Parks & Recreation: As a champion of Portland’s parks, Cynthia will build on Commissioner Nick Fish’s work to secure a long-term sustainable funding model for Portland Parks & Recreation.

Government Access: Our commission form of government and City systems perpetuate racial inequities. Cynthia will ensure diverse representation on the Charter Review Commission and build greater trust with communities by co-creating policies and programs that meet their unique needs.

Cynthia is what Portland needs as we overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.

“With her capacious heart and extremely smart ways, Cynthia was able to gain the trust of little kids, elders, and everyone in between. She exemplifies determination and grit. Service to others is not just a motto for her, she lives it, means it, and breathes it. She would be an incredible addition to Portland City Council.” — Kay Reid, Director, Lived Citizenship Program

To read more visit

(This information furnished by Cynthia Castro for Portland)

The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023