Lake Oswego School District

Director, Position 2

Neelam Gupta

Occupation: Director, Clinical Supports and Workforce, Oregon Health Authority

Occupational Background: Distinguished career leading cross-sector health equity initiatives

Educational Background: University of California, Los Angeles, BS Psychobiology, Master’s in Public Health, Master’s in Social Welfare

Prior Governmental Experience: LOSD School Board; LOSD Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair; 2019 LO Learning Levy Co-Chair; LOSD Elementary Facilities Taskforce Community Service: LO Schools Foundation board, LO for LOve board, LO Food Pantry board, National Charity League, Leadership LO

My Story
Education brought my family to Lake Oswego. My brother Rajan is a LO High School graduate and practicing physician. My partner Kabir Bhatia is an entrepreneur, and we moved back for the top-notch schools and vibrant community.

I have served in classrooms, in parent clubs, in the Schools Foundation, and leading levy campaigns. Since I was appointed to the school board in June 2020, I worked to:

  • Advocate for school reopening
  • Center student and parent voices in decision-making
  • Create belonging for students of all races and backgrounds
  • Craft bold new strategic priorities

I ask for your vote, because there is more to accomplish in reopening schools and moving our community forward to:

  • Create a culture of belonging
  • Achieve academic excellence
  • Promote health and resiliency
  • Teach and practice sustainability

“Neelam is a focused, thoughtful leader who brings people together, finds common ground, and delivers real solutions for our students.” - Kirsten Aird, LO School Board Vice-Chair

“Neelam approaches school board service with compassion, integrity, and collaboration.” - Senator Rob Wagner, Majority Leader, and State Representative Andrea Salinas

Please join local leaders in supporting Neelam
Sara Pocklington, LO School Board Chair
John Wallin, LO School Board Member
Bob Barman, Sarah Howell, Deborah Lopardo, former LO School Board Chair
Linda Brown, Clackamas Education Service District

Joe Buck, LO City Mayor
Massene Mboup, Daniel Nguyen, Jackie Manz, Rachel Verdick, LO City Councilors

Jon Gustafson, Jeff Gudman, Mary Puskas

Stand for Children
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon
UFCW Local 555

To learn more:

(This information furnished by Neelam Gupta)

Director, Position 4

Liz Hartman

Occupation: Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce – Executive Director

Occupational Background: Oregon Health Sciences University Foundation, Constituent Relations Director (alumni and annual funds for the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing); Rockey/March Public Relations, Account Executive; U.S. Senate, Intern, Senator Hatfield; Staff, Senator Packwood

Educational Background: Willamette University, Political Science/Speech, BA

Prior Governmental Experience: Elected – LOSD Board of Education

Lake Oswego School District immediately began planning for safe, healthy school re-openings upon closures in 2020 because of outstanding leadership by the Superintendent and her team. LOSD is planning for full time return to school in the fall and planning for long-term programs to restore student learning needs from the pandemic gap.

LOSD is one of the top districts in Oregon and has achieved national recognition through the efforts of past and current superintendents.

The role of your School Board is to oversee and direct the Superintendent. LOSD plans for students who will live into the 22nd century while implementing programs today. Efforts to address all students though public education can be found in the strategic plan, which addresses today’s student health needs, sustainability for their future, and the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion and action in decision making.

As a school board member, Liz:

  • Served twice as Board Chair
  • Advocated and provided board oversight for the 2017 bond resulting in the new Lakeridge Middle School, renovated Oak Creek Elementary, and safety upgrades at all schools
  • Implemented board self-evaluation required for a high- performing board
  • Hired two outstanding superintendents
  • Completed Oregon School Boards Association board training at all levels
  • Serves on the OSBA Board of Directors
  • Advocates in the State legislature for stable education funding

It’s time for Phase 2 bond planning to rebuild, maintain, and innovate District buildings.

Vote Liz Hartman to continue the successful work of LOSD.

For more information:

(This information furnished by Liz Hartman)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023