Portland School District

Director, Zone 4

Brooklyn Sherman

Occupation: Student

Occupational Background: Activist

Educational Background: Portland State University, Portland Community College, Jefferson High School

Prior Governmental Experience: N/A


Brooklyn Sherman graduated from Jefferson High School and is enrolled at Portland State University where he is studying Business Management and Leadership. Throughout his time at PPS, Brooklyn ran multiple clubs, taught elective classes to elementary students, and advocated for special education students. He volunteered as a ZooTeen for four summers as a part of the Oregon Zoo’s Conservation Core. He worked for Terressa Raiford’s May 19, 2020 Primary Election bid. Brooklyn Sherman on the Portland School Board will bring his past experiences and determination to enhance student- centered outcomes when making decisions on how to improve the community.

If elected, Brooklyn will prioritize:

  • Expanding and improving the recreation areas of our school buildings making sure they serve the communities of Zone four.
  • Reduce administrative overhead in Portland Public School, redirecting the funds to the classrooms.
  • Ensuring our union custodial staff have adequate time, equipment, and resources to maintain our school buildings and properties.

“Brooklyn is a very thoughtful young man who will listen to the concerns of the community and always have the best interests of all students in his decision making” - Keith Edwards, Community Activist

“I am Sabrina Henderson, parent of a child in the Spanish immersion program at Ockley Green Middle School. I am endorsing Brooklyn for PPS School Board Position #4. Brooklyn is a bright young man who I feel will listen to the community and advocate for our multilingual students.” - Sabrina Henderson, PPS Parent

Endorsed by:
Harper’s Playground Keith Edwards
Cody Goldberg Sabrina Henderson
Charlotte MacDonald, PPS Zone 4 ?

Elect Brooklyn Sherman for Portland School Board Director Zone 4


To see all my endorsements and to learn more, visit shermanforpps.com

(This information furnished by Brooklyn Sherman)

Director, Zone 4

Herman Greene

Occupation: Senior Pastor Abundant Life PDX

Occupational Background: BTown Kids New Columbia Site Manager

Educational Background: Warner Pacific B.A.; M.A. Organizational Leadership; M.A. Nonprofit Organizational Development

Prior Governmental Experience: None

The pandemic proved the value of our schools goes far beyond curriculum. Schools are the heart of our community and the true test of our values. Portland’s schools are full of incredible potential, with teachers who care deeply and parents willing to do extraordinary things for our kids.

The challenge of our school system is not just to get money into the classrooms where it belongs but to bring parents and teachers together effectively. Every decision schools make, from budget allocations to policy review or vendor contracts, reflects our priorities for our children.

We need to:

  • Increase graduation rates, especially among children of color and those with fewer resources.
  • Ensure equal opportunities for every child regardless of their zip code.
  • Build stronger connections to community colleges and skills development programs to pave paths to success for more students.

I offer myself as a candidate for school board with a sincere commitment to lifting up the many voices of our community.

As a Pastor, I have learned that one need not be critical to push for progress. It starts with accepting in our hearts that we can all do better.

As we emerge from Covid, our schools and community will only be stronger if our will is summoned to act together. It will take all of us. We must never forget that we can change countless futures if we engage with open hearts and minds.

Thank you for your consideration.

Senator Lew Frederick
Representative Janelle Bynum
Former Senator Avel Gordly
Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury
Portland Commissioner Dan Ryan
Portland School Board Members:Eilidh Lowery, Chair Julia Brim-Edwards Rita Moore
Betty Reynolds, Past President, Oregon School Boards Assn.
David Wynde, Community Leader
Bobbie Regan, Education Advocate
Portland Association of Teachers PAC
For Our Children’s Future
Stand for Children


(This information furnished by Herman Greene)

Director, Zone 4

Margo Logan

Occupation: Child Care Consulting, LLC; analyst/expert witness

Occupational Background: Supervisor of youth program; Licensor/regulator/investigator/ trainer; group life counselor; classroom assistant

Educational Background: PSU; social work administration; MSW

Prior Governmental Experience: Over twenty years; various positions in state agencies; consultant/advocate in getting child/youth focused legislative bills passed or killed.

  • With my NASW elected board member/Leadership & Nominations chair/regional/national delegate experience I will serve transparently and responsibly as a PPS board member. Parents, students, and taxpayers come first. Time to return to parents choosing, public, private, charter, school-pods, homeschooling, etc. Compulsory government public schools only came into existence after 1854 with the stated Congressional goal of indoctrinating student/future citizens to be obedient to authority.
  • Growing up I attended US Army dependent schools. We had no racism in those schools, President Truman integrated military schools in 1949. We were completely integrated/diverse without even knowing it. We had no discussion of color. Portland schools were integrated in 1872. Good history. Accurate history is no longer taught. Public schools do not know how to teach reading or writing or arithmetic.
  • As a W. Edward Deming trained management student I was trained quality starts at the top. It cannot be delegated to the superintendent, administrators, principals, teachers, or teacher unions. Oregon has the worst public schools in the nation. With our year of violence including on the PPS District building, children and teachers are at-risk in unprotected open public school buildings.
  • With school choice the Portland Public School Board can switch to a competitive model to gain student population attendance by attraction rather than compulsion. Children love to learn until the love of learning is squeezed out of them. Subbing in many schools I saw love of learning squeezed out in the current environments in our public schools.
  • It is said that only an endorsement by Portland Association of Teachers (PAT) gets you elected (not endorsed by PAT). Win or lose I will attend PPS board meetings. Students first.

(This information furnished by Margo Logan)

Director, Zone 5

Gary Hollands

Occupation: Non-profit Executive Director, Albina Sports Program; small business owner.

Occupational Background: Coach, Benson High School Track Team; Founder, Interstate Trucking Academy.

Educational Background: Irvington Elementary School, Whitaker Middle School, Benson High School, Fort Valley State University, Portland State University.

Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah Education Service District Board Member, City of Portland Economic Development Policy Expert Group, 2040 Metro Freight Community Advisory Committee.

Community Service: Youth Basketball and Track Coach, Dawson Park Revitalization Committee, Classroom Volunteer, Highland Christian Center Youth Leader, Faubion Elementary School PTA Member.

Our Children Deserve the Best

I am running for Portland School Board because I believe in our youth. As a husband, father, son, and business advocate I understand what kids need to reach their full potential and leadership abilities.

I will:

  • Expand career, technical, and vocational education,
  • Close/Address the academic gap in reading and math for Black and Brown students,
  • Increase the racial and cultural diversity of staff to reflect our communities.

“Gary is a compassionate leader committed to working for the good of our children. As an educator in the public school system, I know he will make wise decisions for our community.” - Reshawn Brown, PPS Teacher

Eilidh Lowery, PPS Board Chair
Scott Bailey, PPS Board Vice-Chair
Michelle DePass, PPS Board Member
Julia Brim-Edwards, PPS Board Member
Rita Moore, PPS Board Member
Amy Kohnstamm, PPS Board Member
Andrew Scott, PPS Board Member
Lolenzo Poe, former PPS Board Member
Tiffani Penson, PCC Board Member

Carmen Rubio, Portland City Councilor
Dan Ryan, Portland City Councilor
SuSheela Jayapal, Multnomah County Commissioner
Lew Frederick, State Senator
Avel Gordly, former State Senator
Chip Shields, former State Senator

Sharon Gary-Smith, President, Portland NAACP
Marcus Mundy, Executive Director, Coalition of Communities of Color

John Mays, Former Teacher
Candace Avalos
James Posey

Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
Stand for Children

For Our Children’s Future PAC

Portland Association of Teachers PAC


(This information furnished by Friends of Gary Hollands)

Director, Zone 5

Daniel Rodgers

Occupation: Family Physician

Occupational Background: Associate Physician, The Portland Clinic, September 2019 - Present; Wellspan York Hospital Family Medicine Residency, June 2016 - June 2019; Student Tutor, Drexel University College of Medicine, 2013 – 2014; Medical Assistant, Gateway Medical Associates, 2011 – 2012

Educational Background: Wellspan York Hospital Family Medicine Residency; Drexel University College of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine; Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, BS Biology, cum laude.

Prior Governmental Experience: Quality Management Committee Voting Member; Graduate Medical Education Committee, Voting Member; Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians Government & Practice Committee.

As a healthcare professional I’m uniquely qualified to help us navigate our children’s return to school. As a father, and a proud member of our community, I am committed to ensuring equal and equitable education as a guaranteed right to all members of our district.

Education has always been important to me; as the first in my family to obtain a professional degree, despite struggles during secondary education I can say I wouldn’t have the opportunities in front of me today if not for the efforts of the public school system that provided me with my academic foundation.

There are a lot of great things PPS and the board have been doing, but I think there are many areas to be improved upon, and I’m eager for the opportunity to work towards a better educational system.

I’ll use my skills and experience to get our district back on track by prioritizing:

  • Full return to in person learning, with a focus on safety for students, faculty, and staff
  • Developing a strategic plan to balance our schools to address inequities for students in traditional lower-income neighborhoods and students with disabilities.
  • Expand access to language immersion programs.
  • Focus on qualitative metrics over standardized tests.
  • Expanding equitable vocational offerings throughout the district.

Imagination. Collaboration. Innovation.

Learn more at www.DanForPDXschools.com

(This information furnished by Daniel Rodgers)

Director, Zone 6

Julia Brim-Edwards

Occupation: School Volunteer; Senior Director, Nike

Occupational Background: Staff--Oregon Legislature, U.S. Senate

Educational Background: Oregon State University, BA; PPS graduate

Prior Governmental Experience: Portland School Board Chair/Audit Committee Chair; OSU Board; Oregon Education Investment Board; Oregon Child Care Commission

SCHOOL LEADER: Parent volunteer (18 years); Co-founder, PIL Foundation, Parents Coalition

Fellow Portlanders,
As we recover from this agonizingly difficult year, I’m reminded of past challenges we’ve faced. I’ve helped lead Portland schools through tough times before, and can do so again. Together, we must re-open schools safely; offer Summer School; and fund a fall Recovery Plan providing students social, emotional, and academic supports and empowering teachers and counselors to do what they do best: enriching students’ lives.
Sincerely, Julia


“Emerging from the pandemic, our schools need effective, experienced leaders. Julia’s know-how and strategic focus will help us come back stronger.” --Lisa Zuniga, Angela Uherbelau, Deb Miller Landau, Van Truong, Liz & Doug Capps PPS parent leaders, educators, grandparents

Julia has:

  • Led approval for essential funding measures resulting in:
    • 900+ teachers
    • Supports for struggling students
    • Smaller classes, more electives, Outdoor School, career technical education
    • Greater pre-school access
  • Funded equity strategies/partnerships, increasing graduation rates
  • Chaired 2020 Bond campaign, funding new Jefferson HS; completion of Benson HS; main-floor ADA accessibility in all schools; updated K-12 textbooks
  • Fought for more equitable middle grades student experiences, opening three new middle schools
  • Overseen critical health/safety improvements, addressing lead, asbestos
  • Improved student safety with new policies, training to prevent adult misconduct


With her financial and management experience, Julia:

  • Prioritizes classroom budgets, holds central administration accountable
  • Reinstated internal performance auditors
  • Eliminated “golden parachutes” for administrators


Governor Barbara Roberts
PPS Board Member Michelle DePass; former PPS Board leaders Lolenzo Poe, Julie Esparza Brown, Bobbie Regan, Mike Rosen
County Commissioners Deborah Kafoury, Jessica Vega Pederson, Susheela Jayapal, Sharon Meieran, Lori Stegmann
Gary Blackmer, former City Auditor
Stand for Children

+many others www.JuliaforPortlandSchoolBoard.com

(This information furnished by Julia Brim-Edwards)

Director, Zone 6

Matthew (Max) Margolis

Occupation: Reading Tutor (Reading Results)

Occupational Background: Father: 2008-Present; Crime Prevention Program Administrator for Southeast Portland (City of Portland) 2006-2008; Youth Program Director for Statewide Drug Prevention Program (Oregon Partnership, now Lines For Life) 1999-2006; Education/ Program Assistant (Morrison Center Counterpoint Day Treatment) 1997-1999

Educational Background: Ohio University B.A. Political Science

Prior Governmental Experience: N.A.

I am running for the Portland School Board Position in Zone 6 because all students deserve access to great teachers, engaging classes, and welcoming schools.

Throughout this pandemic, PPS has been innovative and compassionate in creating a Comprehensive Distance Learning program, and providing struggling families with access to nutritional services. While the Covid-19 pandemic will eventually end, PPS must continue to provide our communities with an array of access points to vital education and nutritional services.

PPS faces many challenges in providing equitable and engaging education services. As a parent and reading tutor, I see the numerous obstacles that deprive students, teachers, administrators, and parents of the joy of education. I will work hard to ensure every student has access to compassionate, accountable, and proficient schools.

Now is the time to reshape and improve how we educate our children. I have a plan to close the achievement chasm (a gap is an inadequate description), improve the PPS website, and will work with the Superintendent and school board to craft a straight-forward action plan to improve our schools. Check out my ideas at www.maxmargolis.org.

If elected, I promise to listen with empathy, curiosity, and kindness to our community members. I also will ask tough questions, demand accountability, celebrate success, and will demonstrate everyday that equity and excellence are equals, not rivals.

Together we can make PPS the best school district in Oregon. Our students are ready to elevate--I believe my perspective, ideas, and plans will take them to the next level!

I want your vote, because Portland students need a meaningful education.

(This information furnished by Matthew “Max” Margolis)

Director, Zone 6

Libby Glynn

Occupation: Co-President, Bridger School PTA (unpaid), Bridger School Site Council Member, Skincare Salesperson, Caterer

Occupational Background: Researcher, Manager, Catering Supervisor, & Caterer

Educational Background: Benson Polytechnic, Health Occupations, Diploma, 1999; University of Dallas, BA History, 2003; University of Dallas, Masters Humanities, 2008.

Prior Governmental Experience: Multnomah County Youth Advisory Board 1998-1999

My family started in Portland Public Schools in 1942. My grandmother attended the Girls’ Polytechnic School while her brother attended Benson Polytechnic. My great uncle was able to start his career out of high school. Both my sister and I were PPS graduates from Benson Polytechnic. I wish more schools in this country were like this exemplary model. My daughter is currently in fifth grade Spanish Immersion preparing to continue in middle school with PPS. I appreciate all the teachers, administrators and staff that have helped and supported her during her elementary years. Also, I am forever grateful to the amazing teachers that supported my educational aspirations during my time with PPS. I, in turn, would like to give back by being able to support the needs of current PPS students, teachers, administrators, and other staff in a truly equitable manner by serving on the PPS Board of Education. I strongly believe that better communication is key to this endeavor. I would like to begin to discover and work towards what Portlanders need to successfully fulfill their children’s educational goals from pre-Kindergarten to the completion of high school. Every child deserves the same opportunity to succeed in public education. I would continue to encourage the use of the social justice lens that includes access, participation, human rights, and equity. Continuing extensive school building maintenance and remodel is also a priority.

“Our group represents 40,000 Oregonian parents advocating for getting students back to school fulltime. We are proud to endorse Libby Glynn for school board.” -ED300 PAC

(This information furnished by Libby Glynn)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023