Reynolds School District

Director, Position 1

Aaron Muñoz

Occupation: Teacher Pathway Program Student, Portland Community College

Occupational Background: Union Representative for LiUNA! Laborer’s Local 483, Johnson Creek Community- Outreach Coordinator

Educational Background: Portland Public Schools graduate; currently working on my Associates Degree in Teaching at Portland Community College.

Prior Governmental Experience: Metro Parks & Recreation Sponsorship Review Committee for Community-led activities program in Parks and Nature, Portland Public Schools Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee; LiUNA! Laborer’s Local 483 representative for Blue Lake Seasonal workers.

Leadership: Cesar E. Chavez Leadership Conference (CECLC) for 3 years. Architectures, Construction and Engineers (ACE) program.

Healthy Minds, Happy Children, Hopeful Futures!

A good education is a critical foundation for a successful life. All our children deserve the opportunity to live and learn in safe and healthy communities in schools that support their learning styles and needs, engage their families, and foster community.

As the child of an educator, I was fortunate to have an advocate in my corner all the way through school. Even so, when I experienced the evaluation process for speech, ADHD, language proficiency, and the Talented and Gifted program it was not an easy process for my mother to navigate. I can not imagine what that process would be for parents who are limited English speakers, immigrants/refugees, or parents not familiar with the education system at all.

As a school board member, I will support additional efforts to involve parents, foster parents, and guardians in their children’s education and district-wide decision making. I will also be the voice for all students who have been traditionally underrepresented.

Proudly standing with Aaron:
Ricki Ruiz, Oregon House Representative
East County Rising PAC
Shirley Craddick, Metro Council
Wendy Lawton, Fairview City Council
Jamie Kranz, Troutdale City Council
Eddy Morales, Gresham City Council
Vince Jones-Dixon, Gresham City Council
Yesenia Delgado, Reynolds School Board
Ana Gonzalez Muñoz, Reynolds School Board
Jessica Arzate, MESD Board Vice-Chair
Amanda Orozco-Beach, Gresham-Barlow School Board
Robyn Stowers, Gresham-Barlow School Board

(This information furnished by Aaron Muñoz)

Director, Position 1

Curt Schulz

Occupation: Retired

Occupational Background: Design and Test Engineer, Hyster-Yale Group, July 1977 to January 2021.

Educational Background: Bachelor of Science degree, Oregon State University, Mechanical Engineering; High school diploma, West Albany High School.

Prior Governmental Experience: Precinct Committee Person, House District Captain, House District 49.

Why I am running: I have lived in Gresham since 1985, and I would like to get more involved in the community, now that I am retired. I believe the future of our country is in the hands of our youth. So it is important that our youth get the best education possible. I will bring a rational approach to the challenge of education. As in engineering, once all of the calculations are completed, and the results are compiled, do the results meet the “reasonableness test”? I would be most thankful for your vote, for the future of Reynolds School District.

(This information furnished by Curt Schulz)

Director, Position 1

Jim Kight

Occupation: Semi-Retired Business Owner

Occupational Background: Kight Photography, JBN Properties, US Navy Vietnam Era

Educational Background: Washington High School, Mount Hood Community College, Portland State College

Prior Governmental Experience: Troutdale Mayor, Troutdale City Councilor, Charter Review Committee, Emergency Management Representative, East County Transportation Committee for the Four Cities, Cascade River District Steering Committee

We see a trend of students not continuing their education beyond high school. Currently in Oregon only 47% of seniors enroll in college.

Since they are choosing to enter the job market how are we preparing them? Do they have the skills that are required to earn a family wage job?

  • We need to coalesce with business and industry to prepare students that choose not to continue their education. The skilled trades are finding it difficult to meet the needs that our society requires. Close to 7 million jobs such as mechanics, electricians, carpenters and many other trades are unfilled due in part to a skills gap.
  • We need to educate students in daily life skills. They need to learn how to save and invest for example. 39% of Americans have less than $300 cash for emergencies.
  • We need to teach our students how to buy a home and the benefits of home ownership.

The motto for Reynolds High School should be: “We prepare students for life”.

If elected, I will advocate for helping students enter the work force trained and prepared for their journey beyond high school.

(This information furnished by Jim Kight)

Director, Position 2

Spencer Chao

Occupation: Account Manager – American Cinema Equipment; Independent Contractor - Primerica

Occupational Background: Logistics Supervisor/Manager – United States Marine Corps

Educational Background: Mt. Hood Community College (Current), Business

Prior Governmental Experience: None

When the prospect of running for a Reynolds School District Board position came four years ago, I cited a “busy” career as the excuse to why I dismissed the opportunity. The truth is, at the time I was a coward not willing to get out of the comfort zone and would have rather remained, well, comfortable.

Over the past few years, I have been busier than ever in my career, began a path towards business ownership, and have restarted my own formal education as of this spring. These events are being disclosed not to impress anyone, but rather impress upon the fact that I want to be here.

School board members hold great responsibilities as the figures that, working with the superintendent, oversee the realization of various goals from students, family members, teachers, and the community. Whether our children continue onto higher education, take on a trade, enlist in our armed forces, volunteer, start a business or go straight into the work force; when our students move on from our schools, we want them to be prepared and confident rather than confused and entitled.

Times are always challenging, but with enough support any individual can thrive in almost any situation. This is true for students as well as school board members. This is my first attempt at serving the local community on a public scale, and with your support I would be grateful for this opportunity to work alongside fellow board members to ensure that we pave the best path toward student achievements. Thank you!

(This information furnished by Spencer Chao)

Director, Position 2

Matt Richardson

Occupation: Relationship Banker, Bank of America

Occupational Background: Sales Associate, Fred Meyer

Educational Background: David Douglas High School, Diploma, 2010; Portland State University, Economics, BS, graduating Spring 2021.

Prior Governmental Experience: None

As a lifelong resident of East Portland and the husband of a public school teacher, I know that school districts on the East side face a number of challenges. I am ready to get to work addressing the needs of our most underserved communities and making sure that the priorities of the school budget represent those of the community. It is time for young, progressive voices to take a larger role in reshaping our public institutions.

(This information furnished by Matt Richardson)

Director, Position 3

Michael Reyes

Occupation: Education Specialist, Oregon Department of Education

Occupational Background: Community Engagement Officer, Northwest Health Foundation; Director of Multicultural Programs, Linfield College; Admissions Counselor, Washington State University Vancouver

Educational Background: Washington State University, BA, BS; WSU Vancouver, MPA

Prior Governmental Experience: Oregon Health Authority: Healthcare Workforce Committee

As a working parent and lifelong educational advocate, I would be honored to serve as your next Reynolds School Board member. I bring over 17 years of experience in educational settings and philanthropy working closely with community

to lead policy change. Now at the Oregon Department of Education, I lead the Latino/a/x Student Success Plan to support community-led efforts closing the educational opportunity gap across the state.

As your next School Board member, I’m committed to:

  • Community Engagement - Our families bring a wealth of life and cultural experiences and every Reynolds school will benefit from listening to and working alongside our families when making key decisions.
  • Reflective staff - We must work to measure to ensure our staff and teachers reflect our student population.

Teachers who share the same cultural background and life experiences as our students can connect students and families in positive and impactful ways.

  • Academic excellence - I want to help build a district where every student receives the best education. This means investing in programs that honor the cultural and linguistic strengths of our students and help them achieve new heights.

I will work tirelessly to help ensure every Reynolds student receives the best education we can provide them and hope to earn your support.

Proudly supported by:
East County Rising
Stand for Children
Reynolds School Board Directors Ana Gonzalez Muñoz and Yesenia Delgado
State Representatives Zach Hudson, Ricki Ruiz, and Khanh Pham
State Senators Chris Gorsek and Kayse Jama Metro Councilor Shirley Craddick
Gresham City Councilor Eddy Morales Troutdale City Councilor Jamie Kranz Portland Commissioner Carmen Rubio MESD Director Jessica Arzate
David Douglas School Board Chair Andrea Valderrama and Director Stephanie D. Stephens
MHCC Board of Education Vice Chair Annette Mattson

(This information furnished by Michael Reyes)

Director, Position 4

Cayle Tern

Occupation: Human Services, Community Organizer

Occupational Background: Social Work; Business Management; Community Advocacy

Educational Background: Portland State University, MSW, Social Work; California State University Chico, BS, Business Administration, Human Resources; Shasta College, Associate’s Degree, Arts, General Education

Prior Governmental Experience: None

Reynolds School Board Members, Ana Gonzalez Munoz and Yesenia Delgado, Endorses Cayle!

Every day I work with families in East Multnomah County to make their lives better. Many of these families are marginalized members of our community who haven’t had access to the information and resources that all need to be successful.

It is the experiences of these families that I will bring to my work as a school board member. My priorities include:

  • Strengthen partnerships with community organizations and leaders.
  • Work towards building an education system where all kids feel welcome and reflected in the curriculum.
  • Make sure all kids have access to comprehensive health services.
  • Help our teachers create a positive learning environment, and ensure the safety of all students.

“Cayle has dedicated his professional career to serving his community, which gives him a deeper understanding of the many social issues plaguing our communities today. Please join me in supporting Cayle for school board.” - Gresham Councilor Mario Palmero

Proudly Endorsed By:
State Representative Khan Pham
State Representative Ricki Ruiz
Multnomah County Commissioner, Lori Stegman
Eddy Morales, Gresham City Council
Mario Palmero, Gresham City Council
Wendy Lawton, Fairview City Council
Annette Mattson, Mt. Hood Community College Board
Christine Lewis, Metro Councilor
Jessica Arzate, Katrina Doughty, Multnomah Education Service District
Amanda Orozco-Beach, Gresham Barlow School Board
Robyn Stowers, Gresham-Barlow School Board
Christine Chin Ryan, AAPI Community Leader
Stand for Children
East County Rising
Service Employees International Union 503
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon

(This information furnished by Cayle Tern)

Director, Position 4

Bill Stewart

Occupation: Retired Veteran Classroom Teacher Holbrook Unified School District #3

Occupational Background: Education, High Tech Industry (Fujitsu GMD)

Educational Background: Judson College, History, AA; MHCC, Micro-Electronics, AAS,; City University of Seattle, Education, BA; Grand Canyon University, Educational Technology/ Curriculum, M.Ed..

Prior Governmental Experience: Local School Committee; City Councilperson and Council President for the City of Wood Village: Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee, PCP District 47 Captain.

Hello to every parent, teacher, and student in the Reynolds School District! My name is Bill Stewart and I grew-up here in East County and attended local schools and colleges.

I received an excellent education, enabling me to make a comfortable living for my wife and children, which allowed me to contribute back to the community through local government and numerous volunteer activities. I want the same thing for our students and I will do everything that I can to help your student succeed.

But how do we accomplish this in this era of Covid? First, we need to play a bit of “catch-up” regarding the educational gap caused by the necessity of online classrooms. The choices are difficult and perhaps maybe a strain on all stakeholders. Some of these choices could include summer school, year round school, and after school tutoring to name a few. Obviously we need to have some frank discussions with all stakeholders, parents, teachers, administrators, students and interested parties.

Finally, we really must directly address Reynolds High School graduation rates in 2020 which were roughly 68%, as well as math and reading proficiencies at 21% and 34% respectively.

My personal teacher’s mission statement is a bit of wisdom from 2300 years ago: Plato, Do not bring children to learning by harsh measures, but rather, that which amuses their minds. That you may discover the regular bent of genius within each of them. Each child has true genius within them, it falls to us all, working together, to guide them toward that truth.

(This information furnished by Bill Stewart)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023