Tualatin Valley Water District

Commissioner, Position 3

Jim Duggan

Occupation: Civil and Environmental Engineer

Occupational Background: Senior Engineer, City of Beaverton Community Development Department. Served in various public works positions with Beaverton since 1984.

Educational Background: Portland State University, Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering; Sunset High School Graduate

Prior Governmental Experience: Commissioner, Tualatin Valley Water District (1993-Present); Regional Water Providers Consortium (1998-Present); Joint Water Commission (1996- 2002); Willamette Water Supply Commission (2019-Present).

Thank you for letting me serve as your Water Commissioner for nearly 28 years. By reading this voters’ pamphlet, you truly care about your water system. Provision of high-quality, safe, and reliable water at a reasonable price should not be taken for granted. This is why I have chosen to serve and again seek re-election.

As a life-long resident of Cedar Hills, I am keenly aware of the District’s history and importance to the economic well-being of Washington County.

It is my vision that the District will continue to pursue sustainable practices, explore economic efficiencies, and properly plan for growth.

The Willamette Water Supply Project, in partnership with Hillsboro and Beaverton, is now being constructed. Our District is blessed with two existing, high-quality water sources but they are limited in capacity and vulnerable to earthquake damage. The WWSP is a critical infrastructure investment which will provide a third, high-quality, reliable, and resilient water supply to TVWD.


The fluoridation question is difficult. Currently, pharmaceutical-grade, sodium-fluoride additive is now used within the Wolf Creek Highway portion of our District (the Metzger portion has no fluoride addition). I firmly believe that the decision to fluoridate or not should be made only through voter initiative and approval.


The District has a long history of successes and an excellent staff. I am determined to maintain and improve the efficient, reliable operation of the District not only for our community today but also for the benefit of future generations.

(This information furnished by James J. Duggan)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023