OCCUPATION: Executive Director, Center for Energy Efficiency

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Board member, Energy Services Coalition; Senior Examiner, “Green Zia” Environmental Awards Program

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: St. Albans (DC) graduated 1967; St. Johns (Annapolis) 1968; Eastern Oregon University (current)

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Commissioner: San Cristobal Ditch Association; Contracts: NM Human Services Department; NM Energy Office; US Department of Energy
Make the “City that Works” Work Better!

Portland is a great city. But it faces serious difficulties: unemployment, high housing costs, displacement of low-income renters, and an electoral system that allows special interest money to influence public policy.

I bring excellent management skills, enthusiasm, and a new vision for our city. And I won’t accept any money from corporations and special interests. My priorities are:

Making Government More Accountable

  • Campaign Finance Reform
  • A stronger “Conflict of Interest” code for elected and appointed officials
  • Citizen oversight of police and other critical agencies

Reducing Energy Costs

  • Stop the sale of PGE (Enron) to NW Natural, a junk-bond financed deal that will increase our rates
  • Form a Public Utility District to keep revenues and control in our community

Strengthening Our Community

  • Better programs for youth
  • Increased support for local businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • A better affordable housing plan, and prevention of low-income displacement
  • Comprehensive solutions to homelessness
  • Better mass transit and an improved alternative transportation infrastructure

No one has all the answers. But I believe that a new vision and more effective leadership are necessary to overcome the difficulties Portland faces. I will listen to your concerns, and will not be influenced by special interest money. Please give me your vote.

More info:

Daniel Meek, Utility Reform Project; Bill Atherton, Metro Councilor *; Richard Lochner, member American Postal Workers Union *; Lannie Hurst; Pacific Green Party (Portland Metro Chapter); Lloyd Marbet, campaign finance reform activist; Alan Graf, attorney; Dave Mazza, editor, The Portland Alliance; Bryan Pollard, Editor, Street Roots Newspaper*
*for identification only

(This information furnished by Peter Alexander)


OCCUPATION: Small business owner, Realtor.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Canvasser for Oregon Fair Share; Restaurant Management; Director Pacific Wheatworks; Realtor.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: St. Mary’s Academy; PCC continuing education programs; Oregon School of Real Estate

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Board Member North Portland Business Association; Community Forum Member Governors BI-state I-5 Task Force.
Community Experience: Chairperson for local Christmas Bazaar; Septfest and Christmas Family. Transportation activist promoting arterial from Vancouver to downtown Portland.

“She would be a tremendous person to show citizens how to affect public policy,” said Craig Pridemore. . . . “Public officials praise her for how she has gone about promoting the West Arterial: in a determined but upbeat and unfailingly polite way.”
The Columbian 3.1.02

“We revised the position based on Sharon’s campaign. She kept a project alive that all of us assumed was dead, which in the transportation game is a very big success”
Craig Pridemore, Clark County Commissioner,
The Vancouver Business Journal 3.8.02

Our basic needs are not being meet.

  • Education doesn’t need just more funding but a complete overhaul. Our educational system needs stable funding and citywide community involvement. Create a bonus and award system for teachers, students and staff. Establish a volunteer recruiting center to actively recruit volunteers and supplies.
  • Livability is working towards a “home-town” feeling in a major metropolitan setting. I support alternatives to high-density housing in neighborhoods. Oregon has many towns dying from lack of jobs and people that would welcome growth. Supporting those towns will minimize Portland’s congestion and pollution.
  • We must stop traffic congestion to save time, money and reduce pollution. Transportation begins when a citizen walks out the door, can cross the street safely and has choices of transportation available.
  • Support Our Business Community. Businesses are NOT coming to Portland. They ARE LEAVING Portland because of unfriendly city policies. Portland needs to reduce non-necessary regulations and fees to be more business friendly.

Identify the problem and focus on the solution!
Vote for Sharon Nasset “Get Back to the Basics!”

(This information furnished by Sharon Nasset in 2002)


OCCUPATION: Portland City Commissioner

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Environmental Engineer; Small Business Owner; Multnomah County Commissioner; Legislative Aide to Congressman Ron Wyden

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Beaverton High, 1972; Cornell University, B.S. 1977; M.I.T., M.S., 1980

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Multnomah County Commissioner; Board Member, Portland Community College

City Commissioner Dan Saltzman
Kept Promises and Hard Work

Dan Saltzman ran for City Commissioner to use his combination of public leadership and private sector experience to make Portland a safer, more family friendly, greener and better run city.

Four years later, that’s just what he has done, earning a reputation for hard work and thoughtfulness along the way.

Here are some ways Dan Saltzman kept his word:

Government that Works

Nobody keeps a sharper eye on the bottom line. Dan manages the Combined Sewer Overflow project to clean up the Willamette: the largest public works project in Portland’s’s history. It’s ahead of schedule and under budget. The West Burnside repairs: completed ahead of schedule. And Dan trimmed budgets and improved accountability in all his bureaus.

Safer Children, Stronger Families

Dan led the fight against child abuse and domestic violence with the Children’s Receiving Center, the Early Childhood Investment Fund – all reasons Portland was called the nation’s most “Family Friendly” city. (ZPG, 2001)

A Prosperous, Greener Portland

Dan is nationally recognized for his efforts to clean up the Willamette, protect air, land, and quality of life and promote clean, cutting edge industries for future family wage jobs.

“Commissioner Dan Saltzman pushed…a ‘green’ building policy that is truly progressive…Good for him, and good for Portland.”
The Oregonian, 1/12/01

Helping Schools

Dan Saltzman helped ease the burden on our local public schools, save teachers and programs, while making sure the money was spent in the classroom, not on administration.

“In an era when politicians offer recycled rhetoric in place of real reforms, Saltzman has tangible answers to palpable problems.” Promise King, The Portland Tribune, 2/26/02

Questions? Call 503-936-9701

(This information furnished by Friends of Dan Saltzman)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023