OCCUPATION: Metro Councilor

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Former Manager, Port of Portland; Cargo Sales Director; Asst. International Transportation Manager, Nike

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Duniway Grade School; Catlin Gabel High School; Harvard University, B.A. 1982

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Metro Councilor elected 1998; Metro Presiding Officer, 2000-2001; Oregon Port Planning Committee, 1987-89;

Common Sense. Integrity. Vision.

Protecting our quality of life. Clean air and water. A strong economy. Create jobs.

With real-world private sector experience to bring jobs to our region, and a great record as an elected regional leader, David Bragdon has earned the respect of community leaders, business leaders, environmental organizations from every corner of our community. The reason? David Bragdon brings people together, replacing conflict with cooperation to solve problems. People who agree on little else, agree that David is the choice to lead Metro.

David has the right priorities

  • Keep our neighborhoods livable and safe—protecting our quality of life.
  • Revitalize downtowns and rundown areas throughout the tri-county area.
  • Protect our water, air and open space.
  • Restore the region’s jobs and economic vitality.
  • Reduce traffic congestion with a smart balance of roads and public transit.

David’s leadership Making Metro Work

  • Restored accountability, increased public confidence and replaced infighting and bickering with real results. Built partnerships bringing people together.
  • He led the effort to encourage jobs by expanding the Oregon Convention Center without costing property taxpayers.
  • Made sure financial decisions involving public money were made in the open, not behind closed doors.
  • David Bragdon established good relationships with local communities throughout the region. David produced results, protecting critical openspaces in Forest Park and East Buttes and securing funds to reduce traffic.

“David’s leadership made Metro more effective and more accountable. He brings all sides together in cooperation instead of conflict, so we can work together to preserve our quality of life.”
Neil Goldschmidt, Former Governor

Make Metro work for ALL of us.

David Bragdon for Metro President

www.BragdonForMetro.com 503.228.8150

(This information furnished by David Bragdon)


OCCUPATION: Metro Councilor; Business Owner

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: State Senator (1981-89); State Representative (1977-81); Teacher of Advanced History and Government

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Franklin HS; Bachelor and Master Degrees, Portland State University; Masters Degree, Warner Pacific College

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Elected to Metro Council (1992,94,98,2000); Presiding Officer 1999; Elected David Douglas School Board (1991,92,97); Board Chair 1996-97; FISH Social Service Agency Board of Directors; Warner Pacific College Board Vice-Chair

FAMILY: Rod and Billie Monroe have been married 40 years, and are caregivers for Billie’s 86-year old Mother in their home. They have one married son. Rod is an avid runner and outdoorsman.

Protect existing Neighborhoods. Protect Prime Farm and
Forest Lands. Building a system of Trails, Parks and Greenspaces. Increasing Recycling

Continuing to Build our Transit Network.
Fix our Highway System
Promoting Family Wage Jobs. Promote Tourism.

Oregonians elected Rod to public office 11 times
Authored Metro’s tough Ethics Law


“I’ve known and worked with Rod for many years, and no Oregonian works harder for the people of this region. His legacy on livability and transportation issues is outstanding.”

Senator Frank Shields

“We have long been aware of Rod’s commitment to public safety and health issues, and are proud to endorse him for Metro President.”

Tom Chamberlain, President, Portland Metro Firefighters
Clackamas Firefighters, Portland Firefighters,
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue

“Addressing economic and education issues require expertise and leadership. Without question, that leader is Rod Monroe.”

Barbara Rommel, Superintendent, David Douglas Schools

Also endorsed by: Amalgamated Transit Union,
Teamsters Local 37, American Federation of State, County,
Municipal Employees (AFSCME Local 3580)
Portland Association of Teachers

Rod Monroe – “Working hard for All Oregonians.”

To speak with Rod about your issues, call him at 503-760-4310

(This information furnished by Friends of Rod Monroe for Metro President)


OCCUPATION: Marketing Executive and Self-Employed

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Advertising, Political Consulting

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Powell Valley Grade School, Gresham; Gordon Russel Middle School, Gresham; Sam Barlow High School, Gresham; University of Nevada, Las Vegas

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Legislative Assistant, Oregon State Legislature

Kate is Fighting For Our Neighborhoods and Our Communities:
Metro’s mandated increases in housing densities are having a serious impact on our neighborhoods with increases in traffic congestion, loss of open space, over-crowding of schools, and straining our urban services.

Kate is the founder of the Neighborhood Preservation Committee and is the chief petitioner of the Neighborhood Preservation Act (Measure 26-11) which will protect our communities.

Measure 26-11 requires Metro to notify you before increasing densities, requires Metro to study the impacts of the proposed density on your neighborhood, and restricts Metro’s power to force density into your neighborhood, giving your community the final say.

Kate Will Bring Accountability To Metro
  “As a small-business owner, Kate understands what it means to be accountable. Citizens are complaining that their concerns have been ignored – under Kate’s leadership that will change.

Kate is The Transportation Candidate
  “Kate is the only candidate who understands that we need a targeted transportation policy in our region aimed at relieving congestion. I am confident that Kate is the candidate to bring leadership and common sense to the transportation discussion.”
Mel Zucker – Oregon Transportation Institute

Kate Will Run Metro Like A Business
  “Kate is the type of leader that can bring people together and find the real balance between job creation and livability. Her skills as an entrepreneur are a needed asset at the Metro headquarters.”
Russ Walker – Oregon Citizens For a Sound Economy

Kate Cares About Livability
  “Kate’s unique style brings people together to find real solutions. She understands the growth and livability issues”
Matt Cyrus – Oregon Family Farm Association

(This information furnished by Kate Schiele)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023