Measure 26-206 - November 2019 Special Election - Sauvie Island Fire District


Continuation of Five-Year Local Option Levy for General Operating Purposes

Question: Shall Sauvie Island R.F.P.D. #30J continue a $0.3500 per $1,000.00 of assessed value for five years for operating purposes beginning 2020-2021? This measure renews current local option taxes.

Summary: The taxes proposed will be used for general operating purposes for the Sauvie Island R.F.P.D. #30J. Anticipated uses of funds include state required medical testing for all firefighters, required Federal and OSHA testing of equipment and of firefighters use of equipment, physical testing of firefighters and their abilities, annual servicing and safety inspections of vehicles and equipment, including funds for replacement, and continuing volunteer training and certification.

The rate is estimated to raise the following amounts: $49,819.00. in 2020/2021, $50,940.00 in 2021/2022, $52,086.00 in 2022/2023, $53,258.00 in 2023/2024 and $54,456.00 in 2024/2025.

The estimated tax cost for this measure is an ESTIMATE ONLY based on the best information available from the county assessor at the time of estimate and may reflect the impact of early payment discounts, compression and the collection rate.

Explanatory Statement

The continuing mission of the Sauvie Island Volunteer Rural Fire Protection District 30J is to provide medical assistance, and fire protection service to the residents of Sauvie Island and to provide mutual aid assistance, per our contracts, with Scappoose Fire Department and the Portland Fire Bureau. This mission requires passage of a five-year Local Option Levy for general operating purposes.

Many factors contribute to the departments continued increase in cost of operations. Basic resources such as electricity, fuel, and natural gas prices have increased dramatically. OSHA has instituted institutional testing and physical wellness monitoring for all fire fighters, and the cost of these mandatory services rise each year. Maintenance of our hard goods, equipment and basic fire protection gear continue to be high cost items (with one set of turnouts for one firefighter costing from $2000-$3000). Additionally, equipment needs to be replaced as it becomes dramatically outdated, falls below Federal Standard or becomes unsafe.

The above reflect only a small selection of the costs and reasons for the Local Option Levy. Detailed explanations of any of the above costs and a review of the District’s Budgets is available to residents of the district by mail, email or at public meetings and Department board meetings.

Without the passing of this levy the district faces the elimination of part of its services, or the ceasing of operations altogether.

Submitted by:

Norvin Collins, Fire Chief
Sauvie Island Fire District 30J

No arguments in Opposition to this measure were filed.


Presented by the Sauvie Island Volunteer Firefighters Association

The Sauvie Island Volunteer Firefighter’s Association appreciates all the support the residents of Sauvie Island have given us throughout the years, and we need your continued support in this Local Option Levy election.

We continue to work hard to provide support for all of our community and for all of our volunteer firefighters. Through community fundraising and donations, the Firefighters Association has contributed to the District as much as possible, yet, as prices continue to climb so have the Districts basic operating costs. Needs for electricity, fuel, equipment, telephones, radios, pagers, insurance, and more, are increasing drastically and all are essential to the workings of any Fire Department.

The revenue from the levy will also be used towards mandatory medical testing and immunization, training on current and ever-changing health and safety procedure and policy, and required OSHA testing of equipment, as well as annual servicing, inspections and equipment replacement. The Association has come to the conclusion that without the revenue provided by this levy we will no longer be able to provide the same level of service, including both medical response and fire protection.

Please feel free to call the Chief or the Association Officers directly, or stop by the station to talk, if you have any questions regarding the levy or the necessity of this funding.

We hope you will join us in voting ‘YES’ for this measure so we can keep the Sauvie Island R.F.P.D. #30J a healthy, strong and viable fire and medical service for our community.

Emily Wallace,

Sauvie Island Volunteer Firefighter’s Association
18342 N.W. Sauvie Island Road
Portland, Oregon 97231

(This information furnished by Emily Wallace, Sauvie Island Vol. Fire Fighters Association.)

The printing of these arguments does not constitute an endorsement by Multnomah County, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the arguments.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023