Caption: Amends Charter: Adds Independent Portland Elections Commission.

Question: Shall Charter be amended to add Independent Portland Elections Commission to oversee public financing of elections, other election-related programs?

Summary: The Charter Commission proposed a measure to add the Independent Portland Elections Commission to Chapter 3 of the Charter.

Currently, an Elections Commission is established by code, which can be amended by City Council. If the measure passes, the Elections Commission would be added to the Charter, which means the Election Commission provisions can only be amended by an affirmative vote of a majority of voters.

The Elections Commission will continue to be responsible for implementing the City’s public financing of elections as provided by ordinance and, if the measure passes, any other election or campaign finance-related law or program delegated by the Council or Auditor.

The Elections Commission will continue to consist of nine City residents appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council. Under the measure, the Elections Commission will notify the Mayor and Council of funds required for the public financing of elections program and other duties. The Council continues to determine the Elections Commission’s budget. Other provisions.

The City Budget Office determined the measure has no direct financial impact.

Explanatory Statement: The volunteer Charter Commission recommended amending the City Charter to add the Independent Portland Elections Commission.

Currently, the Independent Portland Elections Commission is established by code, which can be amended by City Council.

Under the Commission’s recommendation, the Independent Portland Elections Commission would be added to the Charter, which can only be amended by an affirmative vote of a majority of voters. Currently, the Elections Commission only implements the City’s public financing of elections program. Under the Commission’s recommendation, the Elections Commission would also be able to implement any other election or campaign finance-related law or program delegated to the Commission by the Council or Auditor. The Elections Commission will continue to consist of nine City residents appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council. City Council will continue to determine and provide the Election Commission’s budget. Submitted by: Louise Hansen, City Elections Officer City of Portland
Last reviewed July 18, 2024