OCCUPATION: Web Development Editor, Learning.com
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Training Coordinator, Language Arts Curriculum Developer, Archaeologist, English-as-a-Second-Language Instructor, Commercial Fisherman
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: M.A. in Archaeology, University of Minnesota; M.A. in Liberal Studies, St. John's College; B.A. in International Affairs, The George Washington University
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Precinct representative and leader, Third Congressional District Democratic Committee member, founder and caucus chair of the GOC-DPO, Democratic Party of Oregon Executive Committee member
Success Begins with Respect:
- Respect for Students
- Respect for Parents
- Respect for Staff, Community and Ourselves
MESD parents and staff deserve directors who view them as partners in our children's education. I will work to restore civility to the board and strengthen alternative pathways to success for students throughout Multnomah County.
I will advocate for fairness, for treating staff as equals of administration, and for creating an efficient organization whose policy decisions and funding priorities are transparent to the citizens whose taxes support it.
I will bring real knowledge about educational practices and curriculum to the board. I have worked the past seven years as an award-winning designer of education curriculum, assessment and teaching materials with a focus on the effective integration of technology into the classroom.
- American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees , Local 1995, Multnomah Education Service District
- Multnomah County Democratic Party
- American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees , Council 75, Oregon AFSCME
- Susan Hagmeier , former Portland Public Schools Board of Education member, 1995-2003
- Jenny Greenleaf , Oregon DNC Committeewoman
- Jim Robison , President, Portland Progressive Toastmasters
- Kathy McCoy , former David Douglas School District Citizen Advisory Board member
Respect is a core value of our community, and it is my guiding principle for service.
(This information furnished by Zak Johnson)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Family Dentistry; Eastside Dental Clinic, 30 Years
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Oregon State University, BS; Waseda University, Tokyo; U. of Houston, Psychology Internship; OHSU Dental School, DMD; Academy of General Dentistry, Fellowship
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Rural Health Coordinating Council, governor appointed; Mentor, Boston University and OHSU Dental Schools; CODA (Outpatient Drug Abuse), Oregon Dental Association representative; Chair, Publicly Funded Programs and Speaker's Bureau, ODA; US Navy Reserve Dental Corp 1973, 1974
- High School Career advisement
- Mentoring Dental and Hygiene students
- Dental Outreach care for high school students
- Troutdale Chamber of Commerce
- Mt. Hood Repertory Theater
- Apply his health care knowledge and education in early childhood development to enhance MESD services.
- Provide leadership, solutions and fiscal management implementing MESD policies and its $100 Million budget
- Foster trust and cooperation between school districts, MESD Board and MESD employees
- Promote a safe, supportive school environment, allowing students and teachers to succeed
John Lim , OR State Representative; Mike Burton , Vice Provost, PSU, Extended Studies; former Executive Officer, Metro; Member Oregon Legislature; Harry Ainsworth , Vice Chair; MESD; Jean Haliski, MESD Board member; Ken A. Kissir , MESD Board Member; Charles Becker , former Gresham Mayor; Gussie McRobert , former Gresham Mayor; Carol Nielsen-Hood , Gresham City Councilor; Paul Warr-King , Gresham City Councilor; Richard Strathern , Gresham City Councilor; David Ripma , Position 2, Troutdale City Councilor; Pat Casey , Head Baseball Coach, OSU
“In John Kilian, voters have a unique opportunity to elect a superbly qualified candidate to the MESD Board. His natural leadership skills, strength of character and hands-on experience with MESD issues make John Kilian the outstanding choice.”
Cindy Banzer, former State Representative
and Metro Presiding Officer
“I highly value your trust and your vote. I will balance the issues, making informed decisions in the best interest of our community.”
John H. Kilian
(This information furnished by John H. Kilian )
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.

OCCUPATION: Small Business Owner, Attorney
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Law Clerk, U.S. Attorney's Office; Mentor, Portland Police Activities League; Office Clerk, Package Routing Sorter, United Parcel Service; Cook, Shari's Restaurant;
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College, Juris Doctor, Certificate in Federal Tax Law; The Evergreen State College, Bachelor of Arts, Political Economics; AFL-CIO Organizing Institute, Certificate of Achievement
- Awarded the 2006 Public Service Award by the Oregon State Bar's New Lawyer's Division;
- Schools Committee of Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc., Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association representative;
- Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), representing the best interests of abused and neglected children in the juvenile court system;
- President's Appreciation Award, Roseway Lions Club;
- Portland Roseway Lions Club, Vice President;
- Law Related Education Committee for the Oregon New Lawyers Division of the Oregon State Bar, (Lawyer in the Classroom Projects, Oregon High School Essay Contest, E-mentoring Project) Past Chair, Liaison;
I am a father of three children who will each be entering into our public school system in the near future. It is my singular goal to make our schools better. Please join me in this effort by participating in one of the coffee chats below, and encourage your friends and neighbors to vote for the best candidate in this election.
Please join Rick for coffee and an informal exchange about the future of our public schools on Saturday, May 5th from 7:30 – 9:30 A.M. at the Papaccino's Coffee House near the corner of Terwilliger and SW Taylor's Ferry Rd
(8421 SW Terwilliger) in Portland,
Visit “www.rickformesd.com” for more informal coffee chat dates and locations.
If you are unable to attend one of the scheduled events,
please send an E-mail to “rick@rickformesd.com”
with any questions, concerns, or comments.
Thank you.
(This information furnished by Frederick (Rick) Okamura)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.