Notice of Measure Referral - Portland Public School District - May 2024

Notice of Measure Election - Portland Public School District - May 2024

NOTICE of Measure Referral

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Portland Public School District has referred a measure to voters in the District at the May 21, 2024 Primary Election, and the Multnomah County Elections Division has received a Ballot Title for that referral. Any registered voter dissatisfied with the Ballot Title may file a petition for review with the Multnomah County Circuit Court on or before March 5, 2024. Any person filing a petition must also notify the Director of Elections, 1040 SE Morrison St., Portland, in writing that the petition has been filed, and that notice must be given by 5:00 p.m. on the next business day after the petition has been filed with the Circuit Court. - Tim Scott, Multnomah County Director of Elections

Levy Renewal (63.22 KB)

Ballot Title:

Caption: Levy Renewal to Maintain Teachers and Classroom Support Staff

Question: Shall district maintain teachers, classroom support staff; renew levy of $1.99 per $1,000 assessed value for five years beginning 2025? This measure renews current local option taxes.

Summary: Portland Public Schools’ local option levy was approved by voters in 2019 to provide funding for schools over five years. The renewed levy will provide an estimated $101.5 million in the first year and is projected to fund approximately 660 teachers and classroom support staff annually over five years.

This renewed local option levy would fund teaching and other positions to:

  • Support a well-rounded education, including career and technical programs and enrichments and electives, so students graduate with the skills they need to be career or college ready.
  • Provide classroom supports, such as educational assistants and reading specialists for students struggling with academic or mental/behavioral health issues.
  • Help maintain class sizes and prevent significant increases across the district.

Levy rate remains $1.99 per $1,000 assessed property value, the same as the 2019 levy.

Funds will be placed in a separate account; independent community oversight will review expenditures to verify funds are used as approved by voters. No levy funds will be spent for administration. District is subject to annual independent financial and performance audits.

The levy will raise an estimated $101.5 million in 2025-2026; $103.0 million in 2026-2027; $106.0 million in 2027-2028; $109.3 million in 2028-2029; and $112.5 million in 2029-30.

Last reviewed February 23, 2024