OCCUPATION: Senior Resource Conservationist – Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, Naturalist – Lindblad Expeditions, Self-employed – Klock Farm
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Conservation educator – 7 years – Multnomah Education Service District, Farming experience – 29 years, Urban and Small Farms Conservation Specialist for the 4 Portland Metro area Conservation Districts, Board Member – Audubon Society of Portland, Tri-County Direct Farm Produce Guide, and Pacific Northwest Direct Farm Marketers, Host for conservation programs on Clackamas Cable Channel
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelor of Science – General Science – Oregon State University, Certified Pesticide Consultant & Private Pesticide Applicator – Oregon Department of Agriculture, Certified Rainwater Catchment Professional, Extensive professional training in conservation practices such as erosion control, drainage, pasture and lawn management, nutrient management system, wildlife habitat design
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Appointed interim Director for East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District
I believe that the condition of our air, soil and water quality is paramount to our health. As one of the Directors of the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District I will work to assist the citizens of the district to achieve the most economical, science based implementation of conservation practices possible in both urban and rural areas of the district. I believe that staff can benefit from my experience as a lifelong resident and professional conservation and farmer in Multnomah County.
(This information furnished by Clair Klock)
The above information has not been verified for accuracy by Multnomah County.