OCCUPATION: Director Media Publications, Automatic Data Processing

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Controller, Administrator Automatic Data Processing

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Western Business College, Graduate, Accounting

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Solid Waste Advisory; Citizen Noise Advisory Committee (PDX Airport); Fire Advisory Committee Representing Fairview; Fairview City Councilor 1997-present.

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Boy Scouts of America, Cubmaster Pack 651, Assistant Scoutmaster Fairview Troop 588

I am very interested in our community and will work hard to assure we have the right mixture for growth as we approach build out. What we do today is going to impact the city forever. I see the following items as key focus areas.

    * I supported the hiring of additional police officers and will continue to make this a top priority. Our police resources continue to be stretched.
    * Focus on expanding our parks system with large recreation areas for our children and avoid future pocket parks that provide little recreation opportunities.
    * Continue efforts to recognize and designate appropriate industrial and commercial areas. The increased taxes paid by these businesses would be a source for funding additional police officers and recreational opportunities. These businesses would create family-wage jobs within our city.
    * We must continue to challenge the way we do business to maximize the financial resources of the city. The need for city services has never been greater.
* I will focus on eliminating excess apartment zoning where it would negatively affect existing established neighborhoods.
* We must work on building a stronger sense of community while linking our different neighborhoods to build a stronger community. Our success will be measured in our ability to reach out for more involvement from all areas of the city.
* Focus on the preservation of the existing wetland areas while providing balance with the needs of our citizens.
* I will continue my efforts in working with neighborhood associations and citizens in representing their needs with the city. Citizen involvement continues to make a positive difference.

Vote Steve Owen for Fairview City Council Position #4

(This information furnished by Steve Owen)  

Last reviewed January 12, 2023